Sorry if we've already done this..

That's a great question....

And an even better question is...

How did "Ink Compatible" get voted on the PM board awards and the 2nd best instrumental release of 2004 when there are 6/7 songs on the CD with vocals?!


1. Spastic Ink is synonymous with being instrumental, and at this point they don't care if a Spastic Ink album has vocals or not.
2. People voted for an album that they've never heard
3. ?????????????????????????????????

But for all of the people reading this who voted for the album in any category, thanks!!

Ink Complete, without a doubt. I'm sad to say I almost never end up listening to Ink Compatible. Solitarily Speaking of Theoretical Confinement and PHHHP! are spun plenty of times here though.

The PM board awards were weird altogether. The people over there seem to have tremendous problems overall :) (no news, really). And what the hell was up with the death metal category?
I know you guys are strictly talking about the music on both CD, but I wanted to let you guys in on what goes in my head whenever that question comes up. Musically, I like the “experimental” side of “Complete”, and the heavy, aggressive side of “Ink Compatible”.

For me, Ink Complete was a great time in my life. I had just recovered from all of my hand surgeries, and was starting to play again after 2 1/2 years of nothing but hand therapists and surgeons. It was so cool writing all if those songs with Bobby, and having 3 guys collectively working on something together. I hadn’t written anything in years and I was getting a chance to finally have something to show. Bobby and I first met Pete when he was 16, and something that I always wanted to do was write and release an album with my brother and Pete. I think everyone around here knew that too. It was supposed to happen. Even when I had joined WatchTower, and after having been with S.A. Slayer for years, I knew that the pairing of me with my brother and Pete would be something special. And sure enough, the result was “Ink Complete”.

I remember getting together with Bobby and Pete once or twice a week and running through the songs live that Bobby and I had put together on paper and cassette tapes. I think the only time when there was friction during that time was when Bobby claimed that we were missing a certain type of song, and I didn’t see where he was coming from, or going with it. The result of that argument was “Just A Little Dirty”. Everything else was total agreement from day one.

With Ink Compatible, I was locked up in my room with my computer writing everything on my own. Then after having songs completed and ready to play, I was looking for players to pull the songs off. Bobby and Pete never said that they were ready for another Ink CD, but with the response from “Ink Complete” being so positive, I felt the right thing to do was do another CD, so I pushed for it. And of course Bobby and Pete “weren’t always available”, and so along came a bunch of “guests”, 5 of them who I’ve never even met! And when I was looking for additional players, usually the first thing a potential guest asked was "How much is it paying?" Having someone want to charge me $800 to do 2 solos means that they don’t care about the music, it’s just a paycheck. So when I got in touch with Jens Johansson (who was exactly who I wanted to do a few keyboard solos), I asked what he wanted in return, and he wasn’t interested in money at all. He just wanted to play on the CD. Those 2 killer Jens synth solos didn’t cost me a freaking dime. David Bagsby also didn’t care about money, and just played and wanted to be part of the project. Same thing with Jimmy Pitts. All 3 of these guys gave great performances and I didn’t have to beg them.

If everybody had cooperated like they had, Ink Compatible would have been a very enjoyable experience. I got so sick of hounding guys to get me their parts, that I actually gave up on the CD. (The cool part about that was the creation, writing and recording of “Solitarily Speaking…”, my baby!) Players were telling me that they would get me tracks in a few weeks, while several months were flying by. It all started with a drummer who bailed on me after agreeing several months in advance to record 4 songs. A studio was booked, finances were worked out, then about a week before the scheduled recording date, I get an email from him “ I can’t find rehearsal space” to learn the songs. Duh… Maybe the guy shouldn’t have agreed to do the songs in the first place, you think?

Although one really cool thing about “Ink Compatible” is the new people that I was introduced to and got to work with, including Daniel Gildenlow, Jimmy Pitts, Jeff Eber, David Penna, Ray Reindeau, and Michael Manring.

And to finalize my thoughts on both CDs, when we got the copies for “Ink Complete”, it’s was like “Cool, check it out! We did it! Awesome!” (and this was with the ridiculous scanned in text with the purple background!). When the copies of “Ink Compatible” arrived, I was so thrilled that it was finally done, after over 4 years of hassles. And my attitude was more of a “I told you fuckers this could be pulled off”. But there wasn’t anybody there to tell it to. Really, the only person who was there working with me through the whole “Ink Compatible” process was Chris Leibundgut, my manager. Thanks Chris…

And so that’s what is so cool about the new project that I’m working on with Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse) and Chris Adler (Lamb Of God). Both of these guys are very into putting something together because they want to. They both want to come out with something cool, new, and innovative. I understand that both guys have their main priorities including their bands and families, and making time for another project will sometimes be a bit difficult. And I’m not even guaranteeing that it will even become a reality. But it’s so refreshing to be working with new guys who before a few months ago, I had never met, and are motivated to work on this project with me. We are about on our 3rd month or so of working on material, and do you want to know how many times either guy has brought up money? I‘m still waiting for it.

So keep your fingers crossed...
