
Apr 3, 2005
Eh sorry don't know if this has ever been brought up, but if could choose a song to be played at your funeral. What song would you choose?

I can't really think of one/don't really want to think about one so I'll say Freebird.
i want a big crank on the side of the casket, when you turn it the jack in the box music plays (pop goes the weasle) then boing ! my corpse springs up to a sitting position.

when i used to drink i was thinking that i would have my legs chopped off and have a keg in ice in the bottom half of the casket.

why not make it fun for your friends ?
If it was to be a small service with the closest friends and family they can play whatever, I won´t get to hear it.

A small victory by Faith No More would be my choice if I had something to say about it.
Honestly - Folsom Prison Blues or that's life and you're all gonna get so drunk you're gonna :puke: and say thank God that fuckers dead. :heh: