sorry... more sad news


Señor Member
Mar 25, 2003
Cleveland, OH USA
For those of you who haven't heard yet, Pete Jewell, former vocalist for a prog metal band called The Quiet Room, committed suicide this week. I don't know how many people here had seen/heard them, but I have both of their discs and got to see them play, on tour with Jag Panzer and Iced Earth. Pete was a cool guy, as well as a monster vocalist and master of different vocal styles, and he'll be missed. RIP

Here's a link to the official post (thanks to Guy for the link):
Is that the singer on Introspect, booB?

Damn - I'd just re-bought that disc from eBay last month because my original copy was broken...

Was this guy involved in other bands? Sorry to hear about his loss...
No, he was the singer on Reconceive, but during the live show, he had the ability to sound EXACTLY like the singer from Introspect. Super talented dude.
You gotta be kidding me? When my brother and I first discovered these guys, we couldn't believe how different they sounded compared to American bands from that timeframe. And Pete was the singer that my brother liked more of the two. Damn.


This band fell off the radar for so long. Nothing on the web about them. Nothing in music stores from them. Like they just disappeared.

I wanna know some details. Why would he go and throw away his life like that???
Now I know why I stopped reading the PMX board years ago. It's full of idiots and they're speculating about Pete's "cowardice" blah blah blah. The guy was sick, for hell's sake. At least respect a dead human being. Idiots.