Trying out those API's..... (Oz does Deathmetal!)

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Hey gang,

Here's a new mix I just finished, on a Deathmetal project. Well, it sounds like deathmetal to me, anyway. Hell, I'm old. Forgive me if I got the subgenre wrong.
Anyway, pretty impressive stuff considering the oldest guy in this band is only 17.

I wound up using the new API's on overheads, toms & guitars. I would have loved to try them out on the snare, but the kid hit it so fucking hard I couldn't get them quiet enough! So, snare went to the Great River.... I'll have to try it on the snare for my next project, a "tech-metal" group.

Anyway, the band is called "Tomorrow this Dies" and the song is called "I Should Have" Here's the link:
or the same player on my webpage:

As always, comments & questions are welcome!

I have to say I liked the music till the vocals kicked in, I really don't like them, but not your fault there Oz, fucking amazing sounding drums/mix :D I'm really digging it.
I have to say I liked the music till the vocals kicked in, I really don't like them, but not your fault there Oz, fucking amazing sounding drums/mix :D I'm really digging it.

No sweat about the vox, dude... To each his own & all that. BTW, thanks for the compliment on the drums. I was trying to go for a modern sound with this one, as opposed to the 'old school thrash' sound I normally work with. I can't completely take credit either. The kick is a blend between Andy's sample & one of my own home-rolled ones. Everything else on the kit is 100% real, though. The snare is a Pork Pie Big Black Brass miked with an i5 on top & C1 on the bottom.

Ok, you've got me. I have no idea how to tell deathmetal from metalcore. I just kinda lump everything with screaming/grunting vocals in the the 'death' subgenre. Remember, I'm the old school guy. :)
Killer sound. Liking the modern drum sound, and killer guitars. Impressive for their ages too :O
Oz u jammy lil git, you never fail to impress! seriously! i love the sound! guitars sound beautiful! if i was in your area, i'd record with u all the time lol

shit.. still listening... ur guitars are killer!!!

nice one
the first sound of fredman technique that i like) hehe

have you tried this technique without doubling every guitar? interesting how it will sound...

great kick sound. what samples you've used?
Oz u jammy lil git, you never fail to impress! seriously! i love the sound! guitars sound beautiful! if i was in your area, i'd record with u all the time lol

shit.. still listening... ur guitars are killer!!!

nice one

Thanks very much! (what the hell is a git?) One thing to consider, I can reamp your guitars for you......
the first sound of fredman technique that i like) hehe

have you tried this technique without doubling every guitar? interesting how it will sound...

great kick sound. what samples you've used?

Haven't tried the Fred technique on single guitars.... The kick was a mixture of Andy's (mixed low) and one of my home-rolled ones with the drummer from Dreams Destruction playing the kick (mixed high)
