Sorry Nightwish fans

Joe-× said:
Sounds stupid to me. Too Circus Magazine for me. Too high school. You dissed my friend so I can't be your friend any more. How can you possibly know how she felt? It's just a relic of Nightwish with Tarja. It's an album that contains music. You either like it or you don't. Maybe Tuomas is just doing it for the money himself. I have no idea what he is feeling either. Fabio might just be a hired hand. I don't know that either. And I don't care. Either the music is good or it isn't. I'm only a listener, not a psychoanalyst. Maybe you just need to grow up.

I know you are, but what am I?
The_Q said:
Now before I say what I have to say let me explain why I'm going to say it first. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Are a lot of people going to think I'm just being an asshole? Are people going to think I'm just being whiny or a brat? Thats why I haven't replyed to anything regarding the Nightwish issue as of late. I had the thought in the back of my mind that because of the recent issues that they would shelve or delete the forthcoming live album. Now I hear it has an official release date. I as one of the biggest Nightwish fan am saddened by this, completely and utterly saddened by this, and heres why. Why would anyone ANYONE want to purchase a live CD after knowing that the singer you loved and moreso RESPECTED so much was just going through the motions for the cash and didn't want to be there? I would never buy another thing with the name Nightwish on it with Tarja singing on it. I also feel very very sorry for those who were at that concert. Just my thoughts and nothing more. Thank God Rhapsody has a live album coming out in January, now theres a singer who loves his band!!
I can see you are upset because of Tuomas and the guys firing Tarja, but obviously also for all the wrong reasons.

The main reason for ditching her right when the tour was over, was her refusal to do in the future all the gigs the band wanted to do, especially at small venues like they were booked in the USA. The guys got VERY frustrated when they had to cancel the second US-tour and since then it was only a question of timing to let her go.

Another reason was her husband as her personal manager involving in everything the band was doing during the past year, making the band jump on Tarja's (or his) terms whenever he whistled. The band, the crew and the label (Spinefarm) wanted to get rid of him, it has been said directly in many interviews starting with Riku Pääkkönen, the CO of Spinefarm.

The last concert was definitely the best they ever did, I was there at the Harwall Arena in Helsinki and saw it all. It was the sixth gig I attended on their Once-tour beginnig at the release party at their hometown Kitee 18 months earlier, and absolutely the greatest and the most awesome show they ever have done. John Two-Hawks with them in Creek Mary's Blood was something unreal. No doubt of that.

While it is all about the music, I see no problems in buying the upcoming DVD, since it must be one of the best live DVDs ever shot in metal concerts. And not only because of the band themselves were in brilliant shape, but also because of the efforts they put on filming it and the director, Antti Jokinen.

Bands do change lineups all the time, but judging them by the faces instead of the music they create is something I'd call 'not-so-metal' to be polite. We will hear from Nightwish with a new frontwoman in 2007, after their long time ago announced hiatus in next year.

Right, these are my honest opinoins. :headbang:
Yippee38 said:
Who cares? It's a live album. It's no new material, and it's not a performance you haven't heard before.

Sorry, I just think "best of" and live CDs are a complete waste of time.

Well I wouldn't say that Creek Mary's Blood featuring Two-Hawks was something seen at every show. And I also never once had a chance to see Ghost Love Score performed live. I'd easily put down money to see this.
The last concert was definitely the best they ever did, I was there at the Harwall Arena in Helsinki and saw it all. It was the sixth gig I attended on their Once-tour beginnig at the release party at their hometown Kitee 18 months earlier, and absolutely the greatest and the most awesome show they ever have done. John Two-Hawks with them in Creek Mary's Blood was something unreal. No doubt of that.
I was there too, and it was indeed an incredible concert. Not only did John Two-Hawks play Creek Mary's Blood, but also Stone People, his own composition off his Honor cd. He put on a fascinating performance and the crowd was totally into it. In addition, the visuals provided for this concert were mesmerizing and captivating. I cannot wait to get this DVD!

As for the band, they were all incredibly emotional and animated through out. I was next to the stage for 8 songs and there were a lot of tears and emotion. Regardless of what was to come, none of the band members spared an ounce of energy. It was the 7th time I've seen them and Tarja was never more passionate or absorbed in the music. And that's what it's all about for me....the music. It was awesome. While it's great to feel a bond with the performers, it is foremost, for me, about the music and there was nothing lacking in that performance. If you are a NW fan, I highly recommend this DVD. It will be a true collector's item. While I understand that some fans are disappointed to find the band was not a cohesive unit in the end, really the performance did not suffer.

BTW, I'm not sure I posted the link here, but we got a chance to interview John Two-Hawks the night before the concert. Check it out. He's one intense, interesting guy. Just check out this photo. :)
Joe-× said:
Sounds stupid to me. Too Circus Magazine for me. Too high school. You dissed my friend so I can't be your friend any more. How can you possibly know how she felt? It's just a relic of Nightwish with Tarja. It's an album that contains music. You either like it or you don't. Maybe Tuomas is just doing it for the money himself. I have no idea what he is feeling either. Fabio might just be a hired hand. I don't know that either. And I don't care. Either the music is good or it isn't. I'm only a listener, not a psychoanalyst. Maybe you just need to grow up.


The_Q said:

Grow up? Please!!!!!!! Come to me when you have something constructive and intelligent in your response. No conjecture and idiotic analogies. I thought out my opinion, I didn't just spit it out. Obviously she stayed in the band even though she didn't want to be there. If I don't like that thats up to me to decide for myself. So screw you Joe ok?

I think Joe's response was very constructive actually. When he said 'it's an album that contains music' pretty well sums it up anyways. I don't think you need anymore ways to explain it.

Since Joe is from Ohio then maybe he has visited Impulse Music and seen you in there. Maybe he has seen how you act and your behaviour so maybe he has a legit reason to say that you need to grow up.
TBJ said:
Ok, this is not a flame or a troll...but dude, really, if you are going to be so sensitive about buying band's shit just because one or two members give you the impression that they are not "into" it, then I guess you will have to throw out all your old Helloween cd's, Metallica cd's, Slayer cd's, Kreator cd's, etc.etc.etc.


And although he would have to toss the Helloween ones, he wouldn't have any of the others, as they aren't Euro Power (power, that's funny) Metal.

And if he says he does, then that's a falsity.
Excuse me Firehead? So you think you know me huh? Have you been in Impulse and met me? I should say not because I treat people with respect. What me and Joe have going is friendly rivalry and nothing more. If you do not have the balls to confront me face to face and not hide behind a screen name then I have nothing more to say to you. You do not know me and everyone that comes in here is treated with respect. So if you want to act like a grown up at least don't hide behind a facade.
The_Q said:
Excuse me Firehead? So you think you know me huh? Have you been in Impulse and met me? I should say not because I treat people with respect. What me and Joe have going is friendly rivalry and nothing more. If you do not have the balls to confront me face to face and not hide behind a screen name then I have nothing more to say to you. You do not know me and everyone that comes in here is treated with respect. So if you want to act like a grown up at least don't hide behind a facade.

I don't know you like I have your DNA or something but I've seen how you act. Your a bigmouth who is always talking shit and annoying everyone when they're shopping.

My name is Dave. Wow, I have a real name. Great. Good for me. HAPPY NOW? I still have my opinion.

You're still not a grownup.
You know what Firehead? FUCK YOU OK? I don't just like power metal. My statement was what I felt and I really don't have to explain anything to you. But since you prefer to air you're personal thoughts of me on this board thats crossing the line. I think what Tarja was stupid and disgraceful and a slap in the face to all Nightwish fans. I will not buy this CD or DVD because it will leave a sour taste in my mouth unfortunately. Maybe I'm wrong but I am always honest in my thoughts and opinions. And yes I love AOR, melodic rock, hard rock, power metal, progressive metal, classical music, new wave, and oldies. So next time you feel the need to blast me, get your facts straight first! I hope this reply doesn't offend anyone except Firehead, if it does I apologize.
Um, no offense here, but could be get back on topic and do the "personal flaming" behind the scenes?
I think you have the wrong person Dave. I don't annoy anyone while they're shopping. I suggest things, and if thats annoying to people then they shouldn't ask me.
The_Q said:
You know what Firehead? FUCK YOU OK? I don't just like power metal. My statement was what I felt and I really don't have to explain anything to you. But since you prefer to air you're personal thoughts of me on this board thats crossing the line. I think what Tarja was stupid and disgraceful and a slap in the face to all Nightwish fans. I will not buy this CD or DVD because it will leave a sour taste in my mouth unfortunately. Maybe I'm wrong but I am always honest in my thoughts and opinions. And yes I love AOR, melodic rock, hard rock, power metal, progressive metal, classical music, new wave, and oldies. So next time you feel the need to blast me, get your facts straight first! I hope this reply doesn't offend anyone except Firehead, if it does I apologize.

I told you that you weren't a grownup. Thanks for proving my point. :wave:
The_Q said:
I think you have the wrong person Dave. I don't annoy anyone while they're shopping. I suggest things, and if thats annoying to people then they shouldn't ask me.

Umm, yes you do. And people don't ask you stuff. You annoy them with your child-like taste.
Firehead said:
You annoy them with your child-like taste.
Edguy is the Poison of Speed Metal.

Please save me from Ripper Owens souless high-end screaming bitchery. Thank you.

Y'know, the child-like comments in the sig, juxtaposed with his comment, are pretty damned funny.