Sorry Nightwish fans

The_Q said:
I think you have the wrong person Dave. I don't annoy anyone while they're shopping. I suggest things, and if thats annoying to people then they shouldn't ask me.
I have personally experienced this.

A few years back I was big into collecting everything from American Girl. Actually, I wasn't, but the wife and kids were. Sometime in the early part of the century we finally reached the crowning achievement - we owned everything available from their catalogs. Life was good. And then Satan visited us. He was in the form of an eight year old girl who had just returned from the American Girl store in Chicago with a doll that was not in the catalog. She informed us that the store was filled with all kinds of stuff not in the catalog. Naturally, a trip to Chicago was planned immediately to fill this void in our lives. I agreed to go to do the driving as long as we could make a pit stop in Kendallville, IN for me to visit Dream Disc.

So off we went to Chicago. We tried going to some museums and the pier, but the daughters were like - where's the fucking dolls already? The wife had made reservations to see a play at the theater located inside the store so we had to go on a particular day. I'm pretty sure it involved Hilary Duff. Chicago was much hated for the two days in which we had to kill time. When we went to the store, we were greeted by the manager. She welcomed us to the store and asked if we had ever been there before. I said no - we didn't need to - since we already owned two of everything in their catalogs. She laughed in a demonic voice and told us that the store had more stuff. She too was possessed. I asked if their customer information system kept track of previous orders. She said yes. I handed her my credit card and told her to just give us two of everything we didn't already own. I was looking to save time. The wife and girls thought this was a very helpful idea. No one understands sarcasm anymore.

I had to stick around long enough to carry the first few loads back out to the car. After that I went shopping at the Virgin Music store down the street to kill some time. They had nothing, so I only spent about $300. I was getting annoyed about the wait for Dream Disc. I was as bad as the kids.

It was decided that the next day could not involve any more boring museum-like or tall-building like tourist attractions. Since we were way out in the suburbs with the white people, the wife decided it was necessary to go shop at a mall exactly like the one we had back home. Not much fun for me. I looked at the map to find Woodfield. My keen knowledge of the city made it clear to me that I would be fairly close to Impulse. Since my last dealing with them was in 1995 when they lost my order for four months only to fill it three times over when I called to remind them about it, I decided that I could forgive them long enough to shop for a couple of hours while the wife and kids purchased everything available at the Rainforest Cafe since we don't have any of those in Columbus. So I drove over to the store.

The wife who had dropped two grand on doll crap the day before told me not to overdo it. I asked for clarification. She said $200. I said OK. I took a city street from the mall to Impulse and caught every single light between them red. I was annoyed before I even found the place - which was difficult because it was little hole-in-the-wall store in a hole-in-the-wall strip shopping center. Which always bodes well. The store was completely filled wall to wall with music that I already had or that I wasn't really interested in. Naturally, I had no problems finding a bunch of crap to buy. I wasn't annoyed by the dude at any time during my browsing. When I took my big pile of junk up to the register the dude asked - Anything else? I said - phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range. He told me - Hey, just what you see, pal. Then he said - so which willl it be? I answered - all. He said - I think I'll close early today. Oops, wrong story.

There was some kind of special or something that wasn't marked or else they just sucked as bad at math as they did mail order because the total came in slightly below by budgeted amount. I pointed it out and asked him to double check. He did. He came up with a lower number the second time and seemed quite pleased about me catching his error. I was tempted to roll the dice a third time. I told him that I really needed to spend another 30 bucks but didn't know what to get. He asked what I liked. I told him to take a look at what I bought. He did. It didn't help. There was no discernable pattern. He was confused. Then he asked me if I had any Gotthard. I told him I wasn't gay. He made me buy two of their albums anyway. They ended up being good selections. Not good enough to turn me into some kind of Harvestfreak and start buying all the limited edition bonus japan only christmas singles or anything. You should see his Gotthard list. What a stud.

Anyway, my experience with Impulse was quite satisfactory. In another ten years, I'll be ready to try them for mail order again, ha ha.

Since I left a dangling thread that is bothering you all to no end - let me tell you about the trip to Dream Disc. I deposited the wife and kids at a random mall in Fort Wayne and drove to Kendallville. Dream Disc was another hole-in-the-wall store in a hole-in-the-wall strip shopping center on the main drag in town. It was 1:30 in the afternoon, but they were closed. I forgot I was in the no daylight savings time zone, so it was actually lunch time. I waited around for a while until they reopened. I went in and met Hans and Franz. That's who Brent and Brian looked like. Two brawny Manowar fans. It was quite funny. I told them who I was. They grabbed my previous order off the wall along with a stack of stuff that they thought I would also like. I grabbed a handful of additional crap from the new arrival shelf including the wrong version of Devin Townsend's Christeen single which still annoys me today but not enough to make me buy the right one. I picked up every used disc they had that I didn't own. They offered me a chance to look through their extensive bootleg offerings. I declined. I recognized DC Cooper on the store stereo, but didn't know the song. I asked if it was something new. He told me it was actually something quite old. I asked for one of those. They told me no. I asked them how awesome it was to listen to that stuff all day. Then they dropped the bomb. They told me that they didn't like any of the music. They only listened to it to provide reviews for people in their catalog. Suddenly, all those dumb ass descriptions in their catalogs all those years made perfect sense. Shocked, I asked them what kind of music they liked. They both said none. The one dude (who can tell them apart anyway) said that he was big into old cartoon videos and had a roomful of bootlegged video tapes. It was so sad. I felt sorry for them. So I took out my phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range and shot them both the fuck dead. I stole the DC Cooper tape and flipped the sign on the window to "Closed" on my way out, and that's why you've never heard of them again. True story. All of it.

The moral is this: Impulse is TROO. Dream Disc were posers.

Harvester said:
Based on royalties & publishing, Tarja will not make a dime off the DVD/CD sales. Tumas is the song-writer and owner of the band trademark. Don't sweat it.

Glenn H.

After talking to a couple of people who are in the business, they say that what Tumas did was incredibly bad, the ultimate in low taste. They were totally turned off by what he did and said they would not buy any more Nightwish albums.

I am on the fence here--do we get pissed at Tumas for lowering himself to her level, or be pissed at Tarja for what SHE did?:erk:
Greykiller said:
After talking to a couple of people who are in the business, they say that what Tumas did was incredibly bad, the ultimate in low taste. They were totally turned off by what he did and said they would not buy any more Nightwish albums.

I am on the fence here--do we get pissed at Tumas for lowering himself to her level, or be pissed at Tarja for what SHE did?:erk:

Who is Tumas? I've read a couple posts refering to someone named Tumas. Is he a new member of Nightwish, or are people purposely fucking up his name? I thought it was Tuomas, but maybe I'm outta the loop...
Hey, Joe-x,
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that Dream Disc was only a mail-order company. How could you visit their store? Also, if they were such posers, why does Brian go to ProgPower every year? When Dream Disc were in business, I would occasionally order from them, and they ran a pretty decent service. I happened to talk to Brian at Einstein Bros. Bagels during the weekend of ProgPower V without initially knowing who he was. The topic of Dream Disc came up, and it turned out that I used to order CDs from the guy. He was rather friendly, and he seemed to be into the music a lot more than you say he was. For the record, Dream Disc folded because they found it hard to compete with fellow mail-order companies like The Laser's Edge and The End Records due to the former's selection and the latter's prices. At least, that's what I heard right from the horse's mouth.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Greykiller said:
After talking to a couple of people who are in the business, they say that what Tumas did was incredibly bad, the ultimate in low taste. They were totally turned off by what he did and said they would not buy any more Nightwish albums.

I am on the fence here--do we get pissed at Tumas for lowering himself to her level, or be pissed at Tarja for what SHE did?:erk:
His decision was discussed and made together with the other bandmembers, their management and their record label Spinefarm/Universal. So it wasn't just Tuomas's own idea. All this has been said in public in many interviews with the parties involved.

I'll quote a part of his interview with German Rock Hard magazine on the next day after firing Tarja :

*When did you make the decision to sack Tarja?*
- This decision was already made some time ago. Even last year I told in all the interviews that Nightwish couldn’t exist without Tarja. But then something sad happened. She told me on a plane in December 2004: ‘I don’t need this band for my career anymore. Keep in mind that I can leave Nightwish anytime.’ These sentences hit me really hard. They really hurt. I couldn’t really believe it but she really meant what she said. At the beginning of the year us guys had the first serious talks about the option to fire her. We decided to await the end of the tour with the hope that the whole situation would get better. But in the end we realized that there was no other possibility. During the whole year we had to swallow down all the shit. Because all the concerts were booked we couldn’t say anything. We had no choice but to give our best on stage and await the last show.

*How could it get that far?*
- Tarja and I didn’t talk to each other for a year. The situation got worse and worse. There were only two ways out for me: either to quit the whole band or to go on with another singer. Of course Tarja is the face of Nightwish but has only been a guest singer right from the beginning. That’s what she said herself. She didn’t write any single song, she didn’t write any vocal parts and she never took part in the arrangement process for the songs. In the recent past she hardly did any interviews or took part in meet and greets. And she didn’t come to our sound checks for a long time already. That is why I think that I have the right to make this decision. For many people Nightwish is Tarja but this is wrong!

*Why didn’t you talk about these obvious problems?*
- That’s really complicated. We have never been able to get along with Tarja’s Argentinean husband Marcelo who is her personal manager as well. He destroyed everything. She trusts him blindly but in my opinion this guy is a serpent. For him everything’s only about the money. You cannot imagine how much he changed Tarja in only one year. I had no chance to get close to her because Marcelo was always by her side and demanded for more and more money. Tarja is a really nice person but because of Marcelo she changed really drastically. When you are alone with her she is totally different.

If there is a person who can claim Nightwish as a band of his own then it has to be me. I wrote all the songs and all the lyrics and I do 90 percent of the interviews. And then this Argentinean guy who doesn’t belong to the band comes along and controls everything. We cancelled our second US-tour because for Marcelo the fees were too low and the halls were too small. For official appearances he demanded for an extra fee for Tarja. I could name you countless examples. For this guy everything is only about money, money, money. That’s just like it was with John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

This attitude doesn’t work with the rest of the band. Marco, Emppu, Jukka and I, we love to play music and to express our feelings on stage, to travel the world and to get to know new people. Our idealism has always been the most important thing. Actually I can’t blame Tarja for everything because I believe that she is blind and doesn’t understand what is really going on around her. For her Marcelo is the king.

Tarja's personal manager/husband was actually running the band by telling them when and where the lady might want to go performing and where she might not. So, actually they fired him and Tarja only happened to go as a side effect. :p

rockyracoon said:
Who is Tumas? I've read a couple posts refering to someone named Tumas. Is he a new member of Nightwish, or are people purposely fucking up his name? I thought it was Tuomas, but maybe I'm outta the loop...

The key d es n t w rk n my keyb ard s rry!