Soul Caliber IV owners

Every time I've played a Soul Caliber game I've thought it was shit.
Right before I quit Toys R Us I found two old dreamcasts back in the stock room, so I said FINDERS KEEPERS and kept them for myself. Neither worked *cry*
I tried to be official about it and even rang them up at the register and they were both marked down to a penny, AND we were having a half price sale on certain items WHICH THAT HAPPENED TO BE.

What a waste of a penny :(
Funny, when I worked at Toys R Us, the only cool things I found (during a remodel of the store) were some old metal Voltron sets with the lions that joined together. And they wouldn't let me buy items marked down to a penny.
whoa and i mean this in all seriousness..

they already made soul caliber 3? :|
It's pretty shitty on Xbox Live, but playing the CPU is always fun. I created Billy Mays as a character, and he wins.
I have noticed that i have spent more time in the character creation section of the game then anything else.

Also Ivy's boobs get bigger and bigger as the series progresses. By time Soul Caliber X comes out Ivy will have tits down to her knee's.
^Agreed. I think that if a sword-bearing character attempts to use any form of block with his weapon, the lightsabre should go through it like nothing and they should bisected.
It can be blocked.

But oh well, what kind of game would it be if it was unblockable?

Darth Vader is cool, he is tall.

You can also be The Apprentice. which is badass