
They arent H-Roids you idiot. They are "Cold Sores" that you catch either by touch, kissing, or Sex. and prep-h does not help Oral Herpes............

dude.. do you have hemroids also? Fucking ROFL! i bet you do! and you really probly think they are the same thing and put ass cream on your face. Fucking sick!
PS3 >>> WII >>> X360

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The PS3 is the biggest piece of shit ever.

Have you heard? Sony have been told by their financial advisers that if they want it to do well they are going to have to reduce the price by around $250 :lol: :lol:

You cant send messages to people via the online system, unless you're playing the same game. Thats bullshit and anoying.

The controllers dont have a vibration function because they couldn't fit it in with the piece of shit motion sensor device...Well...Didn't Nintendo fit vibration and a good motion sensor into a tiny controller?

I could go on about why the PS3 is a shit and not worth fucking £425

The Wii is genius, it's unique and a fucking fun.

The 360 is flawless. Not to mention that the Splinter Cell series kicks the living shit out of MGS.

Halo 3 is amazing, you havn't even played it so to put it down like that proves your immaturity. I've got the public beta and the game is brilliant.

Oh and not to mention, us 360 owners get GTA IV so thats a big ol' fuck you to Sony.
PS3 >>> WII >>> X360
Girls >>> X360 >>> WII >>> PS3
I'll get the Wii someday. First I have to spend my money on concerts.
+1, money should be spent on concerts, not video games :p

They arent H-Roids you idiot. They are "Cold Sores" that you catch either by touch, kissing, or Sex. and prep-h does not help Oral Herpes............

dude.. do you have hemroids also? Fucking ROFL! i bet you do! and you really probly think they are the same thing and put ass cream on your face. Fucking sick!
This post is made of lame and fail.
Way to google that :rolleyes:
its common knowledge.. Did you not pay attention in health class?
I always thought herpes were open sores/warts you get on your genitals. Cold sores are a mild form of herpes I think, but isn't the STD entirely different? I'm not sure though and I'm too lazy too google it cuz using this laptop is a huge pain in the ass.
at least you don't have to worry about getting them.

unless your dad has got it..
LOL!! :lol: Tony I fucking love you, I burst into laughter, I hope I didn't wake anyone up XD
Hey at least you can feel comfortable in this subject to! your little weiner couldnt even penatrate an 80 year old prostitute's snatch.
This post is made of... etc, etc. :Smug:
they need to come out with a game where you shoot mario alot, Id get that game.
:lol: Totally.

and why would I wanna fuck your mom? :lol:
I always thought herpes were open sores/warts you get on your genitals. Cold sores are a mild form of herpes I think, but isn't the STD entirely different? I'm not sure though and I'm too lazy too google it cuz using this laptop is a huge pain in the ass.

thats genital herpes yea. talking to cliff burton it was obviouse which form of herpes i was reffering to. the kind you see on his bulbous face. the ones that i am only aware of (or anyone for that matter, i dont think anyone has been in that region to check since his mom changed is diapers).
Go tend to your herpes.

The medication does that for me.

Dude Preparation H doesent work for your face!

Okay....Seeing as you jump from Herpes to Preperation H...you dont know what either of them are, thus your insults are invalid.

They arent H-Roids you idiot. They are "Cold Sores" that you catch either by touch, kissing, or Sex. and prep-h does not help Oral Herpes............

Cold soars and Herpes are different things. There is no cure for Herpes, where as cold sores go away quickly. Technically, Chicken Pox could be classified as herpes because its itchey soars that are infectious and cover your body (lol southpark).

The herpes you are attempting to insult people with (with critical fail), is an STD.

And if I had hemeroids...do yuou reealllly think I would be sitting here typing this stuff?

P.S. You calling someone Fat is like Night Reaper insulting someones spelling and grammer.
actually there is no technicallity about it; chicken pox is a herpes simplex virus.