ive seen several shows. In 07 all ive seen were Dragonforce. But in 06 i
saw Bodom twice i think and i saw blind guardian. i dont go to every ghey show that comes here. only bands that are worth seeing.
ive gone to several parties and done some crazy shit. not just marijuana. jackass. and i can imagine what your answer to this will be. "sure yea right and you smoked weed with alexi!!" and yeh ok say it. But that doesent change anything.
1) YOU THINK?? I call bullshit because either you did go or you. You would remember something like that, it's not an "I think" matter. So.... yeh.
2) Bragging about doing drugs is TRULY pathetic.
And yes, all the shows I've been to were 'ghey' bands

March 24th, 2006: Children of Bodom/Chimaira/Through the Eyes of the Dead
October 9th, 2006: Soilwork/Darkest Hour/Mnemic/Threat Signal
October 16th, 2006: Iron Maiden/Bullet for my Valentine
December 12th, 2006: In Flames/Lacuna Coil/The Sword/The Seemless
December 18th, 2006: Children of Bodom/Amon Amarth/Sanctity/Gojira
December 19th, 2006: Children of Bodom/Amon Amarth/Sanctity/Gojira
March 26th, 2007: Heaven and Hell /Megadeth/Down
March 29th, 2007: Dark Tranquillity/The Haunted/Into Eternity/Scar Symmetry
March 30th, 2007: Sanctity/Black Label Society
April 22nd, 2007: Dimmu Borgir/Devildriver/Kataklysm/Unearth
(There's only 10 listed here, 1 was a band I don't care to mention because it was a Xmas gift that I went to it and 2 were semi-local shows)