Souls Harbor - Writings On The Walls


Apr 5, 2003
Souls Harbor - Writings On The Walls
Crash Music - CMU 61181 - 2006
By Brandon Strader


Souls Harbor presents their debut full-length album, Writings On The Wall, which mixes hard rock with screamo, and a small touch of metal. Well, a lot of the characteristics of this group's music are actually comparable to a few certain metal bands.. I won't name any names, I don't want any killswitches being engaged upon me as I lay dying in my own puddle of blood...

There are a lot of very pleasant sounds throughout Writings On The Walls, as you can hear within the first few moments of the album. The choruses are stuffed with soft synth strings and clean-ish rock vocals but quickly jerked to the ground with some very heavy riffing (is that B standard?!) only to be lifted up again in time for the next chorus. No, this isn't your average "money maker" radio music. It's got plenty of depth, fine songwriting, good performances, and a whole lot of feeling.

Despite not being sell-out type material, every song is still very catchy and enjoyable. Most of them would probably make a good radio tune, I'd rather hear anything from Writings On The Walls on the radio than "My Humps" or something. Souls Harbor are off to a great start! I wouldn't go as far as to say they've got a lot of potential to be great, as they are already pretty grand. Check it out if you like catchy rock and songs in the 3-minute range, and keep an eye out for Souls Harbor on their full-US tour this summer.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Souls Harbor Band
Official Crash Music Website
This wouldn't even get one vote at a "battle of the bands" in my hick town...bland and unoriginal beyond belief!:ill:
My town doesn't even have a battle of the bands. If anything, we'd have a battle of the horses or something, but we don't even have that. We don't have any battles. It's like a ghost town here. So be glad for what you've got, mate.
for some reason they're pretty popular around here, I dont like em that much, but all my friends do.