Sound <= Crap


Failure Is An Option
Aug 2, 2003
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Ok, Im sure there are going to be a bunch of fan boys out there who are going to scream at me for this, but damn Nevermore, your latest CD sounds like shit. I can only listen to about one or two songs before I take out the CD. Whats the fucking deal? I paid good money for that shit. If I didnt expect better from you guys, I wouldnt have cared. Its frustrating hearing something that you know should sound awesome, but ends up sounding like it was mastered by an elephant with a broken leg and a bad ear infection or something. Are there any plans to re-release the CD? Does anyone have any feedback on this? Look, Im still a big fan and all, but "Enemies of Reality" is a fucking turd :erk:

BTW, has anyone re-mastered the songs?
I could care less about production i mean shit, ive heard worse on mainstream records! Actually the production of Pearl Jam's Binaural record makes EoR sound im not gonna bitch...
I think Nevermore's EoR production is amazing taking into account that Century Media cut their budget. It wasn't an intentional underproduction... only complete fucking retards *cough*Metallica*cough* would do that.
Ohh, look at all the trolls that crawled from the fucking woodwork. Yeah, you will have to forgive me, but since I dont live in my parents basment and bitch about how much life sucks cause I dont get any pussy, I dont really have a lot of time to sit around on some message board trolling for info while I suck on a fucking stink finger. And Im sure the same fan boys who gave me shit for asking a question are going to bitch about this too, but its ok, I know your angry, I would be too if my dick looked like a skin tag.

Anyways, to the rest of you people who gave helpful feedback, thanks. I wasnt sure if they did this intentionally (like other bands already mentioned) or if I was missing something. I didnt know they had their funding cut, ouch. Regardless, later all. :wave:
Right on Worthless!
Three years to get a short CD with low octane....

Worthless said:
Ohh, look at all the trolls that crawled from the fucking woodwork. Yeah, you will have to forgive me, but since I dont live in my parents basment and bitch about how much life sucks cause I dont get any pussy, I dont really have a lot of time to sit around on some message board trolling for info while I suck on a fucking stink finger. And Im sure the same fan boys who gave me shit for asking a question are going to bitch about this too, but its ok, I know your angry, I would be too if my dick looked like a skin tag.

Anyways, to the rest of you people who gave helpful feedback, thanks. I wasnt sure if they did this intentionally (like other bands already mentioned) or if I was missing something. I didnt know they had their funding cut, ouch. Regardless, later all. :wave:

What are you going to do now fuckface? Come dismember me you fucking bitch.

*Makes Wolfshit grab his back pocket and sells his fucking sorry white ass for smokes*
Worthless said:

What are you going to do now fuckface? Come dismember me you fucking bitch.

*Makes Wolfshit grab his back pocket and sells his fucking sorry white ass for smokes*
You picked a very appropriate screen name....chill out man..this subject has been beaten into the ground since the cd came out 2 1/2 months ago so people are REALLY tired of discussing it. It's a really great album..sometimes you've just gotta look past production and listen to the fuckin' thing!
Ya now what would be cool??

If the people who fight and argue here

Would meet up in a "safe" place and fight toe to fucking toe fist to fist...I bet the out come would be

Pasive ,the big mouths would be in TRACTION haha

The straight shooters like Zanex and Led and know who you is (Zappa)

I'm on a mission now to straightenen women beaters,high school bullies,crack sellers and all around punks ...into my way of living

We are called force, well force we will be