Sound Isolation


New Metal Member
Jun 7, 2008
Hey guys i need some help learning about sound isolation for a recording studio and making my decision on what type of material we should use. I've heard terms like "the pink stuff" and "Mineral Fiber" but i really don't know whats best. Can anyone help me out :)?
for isolation, you want mass-air-mass, and lots of decoupling

for acoustic treatment, you want rigid fiberglass, and lots of it
May I politely ask whether you are a student or not?

Read "the recording guide" , which is linked to on the John Sayers main page. Most importantly, in terms of isolation, look at the STC Chart.

Acoustic Isolation is about Lots of mass, change in density (ie, Mass to air) and then more mass. Rigidity is important aswell, as the more rigid a surface is, the less it resonates. So thick walls, which goes along with ye olde principal of shit loads of mass seperated by and air gap, and then shit loads more mass makes good isolation. Be sure to seal everything as tight as possible, and don't leave air gaps. Remember you have to breath though :)

The pink stuff is Rigid fiberglass, or Rockwool, or Rocksill over here in the UK. It usually comes in thicknesses of 50 and 100 mm, and density varies from 45 kg/m^3 to 60 kg/m^3. You can also get ultra high density stuff which I think is 100 kg/m^3 which is usefull in bass traps. For general trapping 60 kg/m^3 is best.

When designing a room around sound isolation, watch out for the weakest link effect. IE, if you have 3 layers of plasterboard on the roof, and 1 layer on the walls, the room will isolate as though there is 1 layer on all the walls. Basically, do things properly, look for the weakest link, and address that as best you can before you add any more mass anywhere else.

That should get you started,
