Soundcraft Spirit Studio 24/8/2

May 12, 2005
Im about to upgrade from my good old Peavey Mark III desk from 1979 (cool as hell but something is way off with the filtering making it hum like crazy) and I found a pretty cheap Spirit Studio 24/8/2 desk.

Does any of you guys have any opinions on these? Good or totally useless?
I'm thinking along the line of buying this one since it's pretty reasonably priced and buying a one channel tube preamp to complement the Presonus Eureka that I've got as well...

What do you think?
i have workes with the soundcraft spirit studio consoles before and actually hated it pretty much. almost everything above 0 db clips really ugly (very un soundcraftish) espeacially on snares. if you like a very clean / unculloured sound it may work fine for you, i actually like to get some warmth from the desk. soundtracks however is a complete different thing, they have tons of headroom!
hmm, i actually don't believe it has a pad switch either so that can make it pretty hard sometimes to keep channels from clipping, especially if you have a hard hitting drummer.
a desk i could advise in the same budget range is the allen & heath mixwizzard. i found it sounds good up to almost 20 db's overload on the channel and also has pad switches per channel if you like to keap it clean.