SoundReplacer Help!!


Jul 14, 2005
Athens, Greece
Hello to you all

I recently installed SoundReplacer - everything looks ok - i see the plug in in the audio suite menu, i can apply it to a region, i can load my sample, i can set the thresholds (all 3 of them) but when i precess the region the new one that is created contains more hits that the original (more snares for exaple)
I tried changing the threshold many times but it did nt help

Should i clean the track first from overheads noise and other stuff
or i m just using it wrong???

For soundreplacer to work well, you really need to edit the track so each snare is an individual region on the transients.

A website some friends and I are working on building about the Vancouver studio scene also has a section with tutorials we're writing:

We're also eventually going to have a few well known local engineers we're aquainted with add info to the site on how they do things as well.