Sounds of the Underground Tour

Jul 19, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Maybe someone already posted about this, but.... what the fuck is up with the "Sounds of the Underground Tour"? The guys from LOG said it was gonna be an underground tour... free from corporate shit... so why are there so many sponsors, including hot topic?
Hahaha, so Hot Topic sponsers both the second stage at Ozzfest, AND Sounds Of The Underground. What a fucking irony there!
RideForVengance said:
Maybe someone already posted about this, but.... what the fuck is up with the "Sounds of the Underground Tour"? The guys from LOG said it was gonna be an underground tour... free from corporate shit... so why are there so many sponsors, including hot topic?

I wouldn't get too put out by this. Even people who are underground need some kind of financial support. We have a choice, we can pay the $33.00 for the ticket with some form of corporate support OR we can pay the entire expense have pay $100+ to see these bands. Don't forget the labels themselves are at this event and you don't get more corporate than them! As for hot topic, yeah they suck ass but you don't have to buy anything from them either. If I only have one complaint about the SOG tour, they should take some hot topic money and buy a new sound man! I saw this show in Lowell and the sound was rough! Best show? GWAR! & SYL!
I liked SotU...please don't knock venues or shows because of people supporting them...that's incredibly ignorant...
It's just fucking hilarious the difference between marketing and what really goes on. Both Sounds Of The Underground and Gigantour's advertising subtlely slammed Ozzfest, and then both fests proceeded to put shit pop bands on the bill, and now SOTU is sponsored by the same fucking place that's sponsoring the Ozzfest second stage. So much for not being like Ozzfest. :lol:
Aside from the marketing, how was the tour? I wanna go to this instead of Ozzfest because it's so much cheaper (at least I think). Also, I saw the Black Dahlia murder on the bill for both ozzfest and SOTUG.. whats up with that?
It's a shitty tour, I've already seen Strapping Young Lad headlining on their own tour (which had enough shitty bands with it anyway), so I feel absolutely no need to go to this.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
I liked SotU...please don't knock venues or shows because of people supporting them...that's incredibly ignorant...

I'm not saying the whole tour sucks, only that its hilariously ironic how its supposed to be underground yet they have so many huge corporate sponsors. I actually might've gone if it was in my area, since some of the bands there are pretty decent, like Lamb of God. Too bad Devildriver is on it though... never liked them at all.
yeah i must agree about the devildriver part, i think they suck for one simple reason:unoriginal and the lyrics suck

im looking forward to the concert, i love lamb of god because of the extremely great lyrics and the voice and just the extremely heavy and catchy riffs. anyway, i wouldnt get, like previously stated, too put off by this, because its not like hot topic is hosting the show, they are just sponsoring it so it doesnt cost too much. all of hot topic that you see is just their name somewhere in the stadium. its really not that big of a deal.
isn't it fucking obvious? the idea of being "underground" was just a marketing gimmick to begin with, and one that youre frankly a dumbass if you fell for, considering the commercial nature of most of the bands on the lineup.
It's not really an underground tour at all...all these bands have international album sales and are signed to a whole bunch of different recording labels. If they put all the local bands from Philadelphia who record all their own music and produce everything themselves, then it'd be an underground tour.

Anyways, I went for a chance to see Opeth at the very least, I got to see them play all 3 of their songs and spent most of the day sitting on the concrete under an awning to shield myself from the sun and after Opeth I went to sit in my car while my friends stayed for a bit longer. Figured "I'm sitting on the uncomfortable concrete listening to music I don't like, I'm just gonna go sit in my semi-comfortable car and listen to music I do like." I had more fun in my car.
polarity said:
isn't it fucking obvious? the idea of being "underground" was just a marketing gimmick to begin with, and one that youre frankly a dumbass if you fell for, considering the commercial nature of most of the bands on the lineup.

Polarity you cunt, thats why im criticizing it.