Soundtoys Devil-loc

This plug is pretty weird and cool. Can be nasty. I does this rhythmic ducking thing on drums. In reaper you can disable the gui and find a tempo control, which doesn't work quite as expected but does change things.

Output level is slammed at -6dBfs
If you've registered your iLok - you will have given it a nickname.. So it'll be whatever that is!

[I used to forget mine.. so now it's taped to the side of my iLok]
I feel like an idiot saying this, but how do I find out my iLok ID? I used the serial number on the side of it, but it came up as invalid.

Go to create an account (make a username and password) your username will then be your ilok account I'D install the ilok account synchronization software drivers, plug in your ilok and hit synchronize your ilok will then show up with it's contents ( any licenses you have) when you buy new plug in or software that requires an ilok it will be sent to your ilok account ( this is why you give then your account I'd ( ilok account username) you then syc your ilok and download the license to your ilok voilà !
Beware that once you have setup your ilok with an account you can't just setup another account and use it with that, when you setup an account and sync (register) a ilok to it that ilok is then tied to that account, you do have a 7 day grace period to remove the ilok from and account after it's first sync but you must login and choose you remove/ dis associate the ilok with that account,
There's nothing wrong with the website or the way it works I've used it for 10 years without a problem you just need to bear in mind that the ilok website a location many miles away from you is accessing a hardware chip on the ilok rather like a firmware operating system update on a broadband modem/hardware synthesizer etc this process is slow because it must verify every step to ensure the update works or you will loose all your licenses and be stuffed, just be patient and don't treat it like a website but more like a hardware update tool ( your ilok is not just a USB memory stick) sorry if I sound patronizing but I'm just trying to convert how careful you must be.
Beware that once you have setup your ilok with an account you can't just setup another account and use it with that, when you setup an account and sync (register) a ilok to it that ilok is then tied to that account, you do have a 7 day grace period to remove the ilok from and account after it's first sync but you must login and choose you remove/ dis associate the ilok with that account,
There's nothing wrong with the website or the way it works I've used it for 10 years without a problem you just need to bear in mind that the ilok website a location many miles away from you is accessing a hardware chip on the ilok rather like a firmware operating system update on a broadband modem/hardware synthesizer etc this process is slow because it must verify every step to ensure the update works or you will loose all your licenses and be stuffed, just be patient and don't treat it like a website but more like a hardware update tool ( your ilok is not just a USB memory stick) sorry if I sound patronizing but I'm just trying to convert how careful you must be.

Oh no, is fine, I'd set it up there ages ago, I was referring to the soundtoys website.
Oh no, is fine, I'd set it up there ages ago, I was referring to the soundtoys website.

ah ok sorry, the trick with the soundtoys account that you need to create an account then activate it then try for the free plugin,
Ive have a soundtoys account for years but they have changed their account system and not told anyone (well current users at least - i didnt get any emails about it)
When i tired to get my plugin it said i hadnt activated my account (on they new system i guess) so had to activate it then gave me a account password (not of my choosing) and then i could log in and my old stuff was there, then i could try for the free one was a bit of a PITA :yuk:
Man this thing really gave me Soundtoys GAS... It´s everything but subtle. It can crash the dynamics and distort and destroy everything ;) It excites the high end quite a bit too. Works awesome for the bass in my newest thrash metal mix. Grind city!
dont try and grab the plugin and creat an account at the same time:
Go create an account then Activate the account (this is the important bit)
you will emailed a password for your account (not one you make yourself)
Go login with your username you created and the password they emailed you,
Then go for the plugin.