South Park Tad Morose

Here is Peter a couple of hours after the show at Prog Power....


May I suggest that someone put together a band pic from all those already made and throw in as many people from the forum as possible. Then we ask Silkie to put it on saying we had the best of times in South Park, eh?
kittybeast said:
thanks least we're all "cute" as southpark characters! Can't wait to see more!

Ha ha ha I know what you mean. Everytime I see my own picture I think to myself.... am I THAT ugly ? Ha ha ha ha. I luck out and take a good picture once in a while like this........ with my friend Metal Rose !!


Urban breed said:
May I suggest that someone put together a band pic from all those already made and throw in as many people from the forum as possible. Then we ask Silkie to put it on saying we had the best of times in South Park, eh?

That would be a GREAT idea! :D
And Kittybeast...yours is cute! :D