Southern Deathcore PreProduction.


Jan 4, 2010
Help me out before my band records Wayne Bass & Drum rep.mp3

Guitars are 2 tracks mesa triple rectifier 2 tracks peavey butcher into a Blue Ball mic b/c all my SM57's are out on loan. The real track will use my SM57.

Drums are various samples i have collected of the years we are going to record live cymbals for the real thing.

Lemme know of anything i can fix. The guitar is currently in the shop getting the intonation set. We tune to drop Ab.

Guitar is an 88 HM Strat with a Dimarzio Super 3 in the bridge and Gotoh Floyd rose with GHS .70 strings.

Bass is my little brothers SX J-Bass direct into my Digi 002.
This sounds decent for pre-pro. The cymbal samples are what's throwing it off the most. It sounds like they're constantly clipping or being effed with by compression. Also I think the OHs are just too loud in general.

Did you boost the guitars? If not they could definitely use it.
I dont have a boost. Next on my purchase list. I will have one before we do the real deal. The drums will be kept for the recording but im gonna record real oh's. I didnt program it so i have no clue what happened with the cymbals peaks. Ill look into it even though they will be trashed. Guitars will be tracked with either my beta 57, sm57 or sennheiser e609 i havent decided yet.
doesn't sound bad at all for prepro. But then again there is not too much we can critique you on for prepro.

+1 on the cymbals and boost. That kick is too clicky imo too, but its also just prepro so like I said there is not much to be said. Some notes sound little out of tune but that might just be the intonation