Help me out before my band records Wayne Bass & Drum rep.mp3
Guitars are 2 tracks mesa triple rectifier 2 tracks peavey butcher into a Blue Ball mic b/c all my SM57's are out on loan. The real track will use my SM57.
Drums are various samples i have collected of the years we are going to record live cymbals for the real thing.
Lemme know of anything i can fix. The guitar is currently in the shop getting the intonation set. We tune to drop Ab.
Guitar is an 88 HM Strat with a Dimarzio Super 3 in the bridge and Gotoh Floyd rose with GHS .70 strings.
Bass is my little brothers SX J-Bass direct into my Digi 002. Wayne Bass & Drum rep.mp3
Guitars are 2 tracks mesa triple rectifier 2 tracks peavey butcher into a Blue Ball mic b/c all my SM57's are out on loan. The real track will use my SM57.
Drums are various samples i have collected of the years we are going to record live cymbals for the real thing.
Lemme know of anything i can fix. The guitar is currently in the shop getting the intonation set. We tune to drop Ab.
Guitar is an 88 HM Strat with a Dimarzio Super 3 in the bridge and Gotoh Floyd rose with GHS .70 strings.
Bass is my little brothers SX J-Bass direct into my Digi 002.