Southern Metal Test 8505/TSE/SSD

Yeah, I'm still figuring out how to get that "punch" to my snares and kicks... :/ All I do is heavy compression with 70 ms attack and boost the high end for both. Any tips?

And 8505 settings are:
Gain: 7
Low: 6
Mid: 2
High: 7
Presence: 2.5
I think that's all there is on an 8505? Not sure.

And then LeCab, catharsis awesome4pulse, Hi-lo at 70 Hz and 11000 Hz

And then I put it through a parametric, cut the 800 Hz 4000 Hz by 2 dB.
To me the HH is fine, I'd just bring the cymbals up a tad. But i think maybe the other way around is better.. bring the guitars down a bit and you're fine...