"Space Dye Vest"

it's Conan O' Brian. Something about 'dry heat' then he saiys: 'dry until you hit the swimming pool'.

The song is basically about Kev Moore's relationship breaking up and then having a fixation with a girl in a magazine in a 'space dye vest'. Stirring up all these emotions and from there he wrote the lyrics. Mike said that if he had known Kevin would leave the band prior to the release of Awake, he would never have put this song on the album because it's so personal to Kevin.
[color=#aoeooa]Yes it was a quote from Conan O Brian, the talk show host.

like, Houston or something, you'd
say it's a hundred and eighty degrees,
but it's a dry heat.
In Houston they say that?
Oh, maybe not. I'm all mixed up.
Dry until they hit the swimming pool."

Thats it.[/color]
Cyclopssss said:
The song is basically about Kev Moore's relationship breaking up and then having a fixation with a girl in a magazine in a 'space dye vest'. Stirring up all these emotions and from there he wrote the lyrics. Mike said that if he had known Kevin would leave the band prior to the release of Awake, he would never have put this song on the album because it's so personal to Kevin.
Thanks for the enlightment, I could never figure out what those lyrics mean... Moore´s lyrics always were a little strange, but very fascinating. :)
Cyclopssss said:
it's Conan O' Brian. Something about 'dry heat' then he saiys: 'dry until you hit the swimming pool'.

The song is basically about Kev Moore's relationship breaking up and then having a fixation with a girl in a magazine in a 'space dye vest'. Stirring up all these emotions and from there he wrote the lyrics. Mike said that if he had known Kevin would leave the band prior to the release of Awake, he would never have put this song on the album because it's so personal to Kevin.
Well, good thing Mike didn't have his way... or else "Awake" would be deprived of one of its best tracks.
The Stormbringer said:
You also have to share Moore´s depressed,
A lot of Chroma Key is pretty upbeat. Sure the lyrical themes are often negative, but never indulgently so, and the melodies are beautiful enough to enjoy the work with or without the lyrics.
I think the samples kill the song.

And Moore couldn't touch Petrucci or Myung lyric-wise back in the day.