Spam Influx

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Deron is aware of what is happening. I think this happens once a year maybe because I know this isn't the first time we've been bombarded with spam. Please be patient while we work this out.

that was creepy shit lol, just nonsensical jargon about control and black magic spammed over and over by something that wasnt even human. metal as fuck imo
Damn, I'm sad I missed these from the comments. Oh well, luckily I know Black Muslim magic so I can easily time travel back to when those posts were here. Always wondered when that'd come in handy.
Today it was about various universities. I eagerly await whatever wonders the next spam wave will bring!
Many spambots are registered by humans nowadays and then their activities are automated afterwards.
How do spambots sign up for this site, aren't there safeguards in place?

Those spammers are, literally, always innovating - whether it is email, forums, or whatever. Hell, I wouldn't need half the server I pay for if it weren't for just processing inbound spam emails. It's unreal.

Same for the forum, the stuff I do have in place, literally, blocks thousands and thousands of attempted signups a day. Already today it's blocked 375 signups - and the log I cleaned out not long ago has 750,000 entries in it of blocked spam bots! When I cleaned it out it had millions. Crazy.