This forum is in desperate need of moderation

face of godzilla said:
Well congratulations my friend, you have just contradicted yourself so blatantly that no one on this board should ever take anything you say seriously again. That was truly a masterful piece of work right there, responding to a surprisingly eloquent and informed post with a vulgar, sarcastic and all around useless spew of bitter mockery. I don't know about everyone else, but that doesn't seem to be an effective way to raise the level of discourse around here. Ask yourself this question...if we had a moderator right now, as you wish there to be, would your last post not be the first thing to be expunged from the thread? Hmmm?

Essentially what I see this to be is an effort to "weed out the weak" on the board. There are plenty of annoying people, sure, but you're setting your sights on elimination based not just on content but on grammar and long until that turns into censorship based on musical preferences? Denying that it would ever come to this is ridiculous, you yourself just based part of your vile rebuttal on the notion that he listens to Dimmu and COB (COB being, for the record, a band I quite enjoy.)

Now, I do agree with your point that age should not always be an indicator of knowledge or even the worth of the post, as I myself am only 18...but I do think there should often a certain amount of respect paid to the older metal fans, because they have been around through more, have seen more, and often have opinions that have been shaped through years of experience. There are also some who are illiterate jackasses, but that's beside the point. Maybe people will read this post and shrug it off as the ramblings of "some 18 year old kid," and that's a shame...but that certainly is no worse than how you decided to respond above. The hypocrisy and contradiction is quite astounding from someone I believed was a sensible, albeit misguided person, and I truly think you just laid the moderator question to rest yourself. You had me with trying to maintain intelligent conversation, but I totally agree with Allwithinmymonster, that you must do this through example and any attempts to force standards on the board through moderation would be useless censorship.

Basically it comes down to practice what you preach, man.

face of godzilla said:
Well congratulations my friend, you have just contradicted yourself so blatantly that no one on this board should ever take anything you say seriously again. That was truly a masterful piece of work right there, responding to a surprisingly eloquent and informed post with a vulgar, sarcastic and all around useless spew of bitter mockery. I don't know about everyone else, but that doesn't seem to be an effective way to raise the level of discourse around here. Ask yourself this question...if we had a moderator right now, as you wish there to be, would your last post not be the first thing to be expunged from the thread? Hmmm?

Essentially what I see this to be is an effort to "weed out the weak" on the board. There are plenty of annoying people, sure, but you're setting your sights on elimination based not just on content but on grammar and long until that turns into censorship based on musical preferences? Denying that it would ever come to this is ridiculous, you yourself just based part of your vile rebuttal on the notion that he listens to Dimmu and COB (COB being, for the record, a band I quite enjoy.)

Now, I do agree with your point that age should not always be an indicator of knowledge or even the worth of the post, as I myself am only 18...but I do think there should often a certain amount of respect paid to the older metal fans, because they have been around through more, have seen more, and often have opinions that have been shaped through years of experience. There are also some who are illiterate jackasses, but that's beside the point. Maybe people will read this post and shrug it off as the ramblings of "some 18 year old kid," and that's a shame...but that certainly is no worse than how you decided to respond above. The hypocrisy and contradiction is quite astounding from someone I believed was a sensible, albeit misguided person, and I truly think you just laid the moderator question to rest yourself. You had me with trying to maintain intelligent conversation, but I totally agree with Allwithinmymonster, that you must do this through example and any attempts to force standards on the board through moderation would be useless censorship.

Basically it comes down to practice what you preach, man.

To be fair, I never suggested that I'm a suitable candidate for moderator. I'm just as capable as descending into stupidity as others, evidently, although I typically need someone else to drag me into it :p. Also, it's not like I'm doing it in a topic which hasn't already become worthless, so really it's irrelevant.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
*fight .. I just wanted to correct you Pol, since you seem so hung up on spelling/grammar. As for my own spelling/grammar, I write how i want... we are not here to be graded for a term paper in college (though you wouldn't know what that is like yet because you are either still in HS or about to start college in the fall if you are even going to continue your education) ... we are fans of metal music not English professors in Harvard etc. Of all the music's of the world (excluding rap and other black music) fans of metal music should not give a shit about grammar/spelling. If you were a classical music fan strictly which actually requires more then a two digit IQ then maybe i would say you are right. But a form of music where they sing about satanism, violence, drugs etc. (not to mention most but not all band members in metal bands arent HS or college educated) should not give a shit. If you are that anal you really need to go out more and get a life. And believe me I know proper grammar more then you will know or realize, i just choose not to show it because it's stupid to have "proper" grammar/spelling on of all places a forum about metal music.
What you fail to realise is that the most immediate and obvious way one can judge someone's intelligence on an internet forum is by looking at how they put across their points. If you're bad at spelling and use shitty grammar, you look like a moron; further, spelling badly and using poor grammar on purpose because it's 'just a metal forum' is willful ignorance, and that's even worse.

[Edit: by the way, you seem to be under the illusion that to appreciate classical music (or, to be a 'strict fan' of it), you need an IQ higher than 99. I'm afraid this is bullshit.]
Int said:
by the way, you seem to be under the illusion that to appreciate classical music (or, to be a 'strict fan' of it), you need an IQ higher than 99. I'm afraid this is bullshit
For real? Damn. ;)
Good grief look at this thread lol (<--for you polarity! Haha!)

Guys, I try to surf as many of the forums as possible, but can't be everywhere or know everything at any given time. With that said, I had no idea this forum was getting a bunch of spam/crap posts. As per my recent announcement, all ittakes is simply notifying me about anything troll/spam/flame related and I would handle it immediately., ANY forum here, should be a place you can come to, hang out, express your opinion (WITHOUT becoming a lamer) and just have fun in general.

If you all would want to go the moderator route, I would be more than happy to get you all set up with one. If you would rather go the route of letting me know when something is getting out of hand or a lame thread (spam) is posted, I can handle that with going the moderator route. Whichever you all choose.

Also, we have to remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it is based on non-facts. If that is the case, simply respond to it with a fact based rebuttal or something. Then again, sometimes people get it in their head that something is true, even of given proof of it not being true! that's when you just have to chuckle and move on, as hard as it can be :)

Anyways, I will do whichever you guys wish to keep this a cool place to hang. Sorry it took me so long to respond, I just built a new computer and have been tranferring files over and getting reset on here.
A lot of other forums I post at laugh at this message board. I defended it quite regularly because I felt that it was improving over the last couple of months. It's also one of the few boards I post at that doesn't have some kind of 'inner circle' which dominates the forum with its off-topic inside jokes (Metal Archives and Metal Rules for example). But what it had descended to before I left for Norway a couple of weeks ago wasn't just chaos, it was pointless redundant idiocy.

Nearly every thread was duplicated by another in the last three pages, not to mention several others in the last couple of months. Nearly every thread had trailed off into sub-intelligent flaming because some idiot had decided to disrupt it. Trolls were gathering by the dozen.

Can anyone actually remember the last time a thread lasted a page without there being people bitching at each other and taking the topic away from where it originated? An intelligent discussion about anything? I'm not suggesting a radical change or anything, but I think that some of the obvious shit in this forum desperately needs eradicating so the trolls will stop bothering.
Guardian of Darkness said:
A lot of other forums I post at laugh at this message board. I defended it quite regularly because I felt that it was improving over the last couple of months.
Hahah, you sneaky little git. I've seen you insult UM on other message boards many a time :P.
ShroudOfDusk said:
I still dont think we need a mod. This board is chaotic, but it's a bloody good laugh.

No modifcation is necessary Deron! (Other than you sporadically coming in here and getting rid of lame uranium spam posts)

Guardian you make some valid points. But I think with a little cooperation we can turn this place into an open-minded eutopia where we all can carry civil discussion free from (off the track) banter.
Int said:
Hahah, you sneaky little git. I've seen you insult UM on other message boards many a time :P.

Only a few times a while ago! And that was at the peak of my pretentious know-it-all phase, and also when the board sucked quite a bit of arse.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
But I think with a little cooperation we can turn this place into an open-minded eutopia where we all can carry civil discussion free from (off the track) banter.

Maybe, but isn't that akin to saying 'I think there could be world peace if everyone got on with each other'? I don't think it's likely to happen.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Only a few times a while ago! And that was at the peak of my pretentious know-it-all phase, and also when the board sucked quite a bit of arse.
You mean you're not a pretentious know-it-all anymore? <3 *cyber five*

(This post is spam and should be moderated accordingly)
Int said:
What you fail to realise is that the most immediate and obvious way one can judge someone's intelligence on an internet forum is by looking at how they put across their points. If you're bad at spelling and use shitty grammar, you look like a moron; further, spelling badly and using poor grammar on purpose because it's 'just a metal forum' is willful ignorance, and that's even worse.

[Edit: by the way, you seem to be under the illusion that to appreciate classical music (or, to be a 'strict fan' of it), you need an IQ higher than 99. I'm afraid this is bullshit.]

"Int" and whoever else. First I'll assume Int that you are from a country that speaks British English as opposed to American English. If not then you mispelled "realize". Second someone's grammar/syntax does not mean they are not intelligent or do not know about metal music/bands. Let's use a different example. If someone knows everything there is to know about Medicine but nothing about or very little about Accounting does that make one more intelligent then the other?. And I think most people can agree that Lawyers, Doctors, Accountants and other professionals are highly intelligent people but nonetheless I have seen them write with some horrendous grammar/spelling. Do I think any different or less of their intelligence because of it? nope.

Like I had said earlier we are here to discuss music and bands, not be graded for a term paper. As long as you know what the person is saying in their posts it should not matter their grammar/spelling. If it does then be a teacher in school and teach budding metalheads before they ever learn to sign on to the internet and explore forums where you are judged by your grammar/spelling and not what you have to say (though people are also judged on their opinions here by mostly closed minded people who don't care to have a open mind to someone who may have a different viewpoint).

I came to this forum not to fight or be judged for whatever petty reason but to learn from all of you about other bands I havent heard because like I stated some other time that I'm old school from the 80's (thrash metal, classic metal etc.). And I would like to listen to new bands. I apologize if I don't know as much as you but hey I am trying to learn. And INT you had said that a person's intelligence is judged on this board by their grammar/spelling but wouldn't the same be said by how someone acts on the board as well? In some cases I've seen nothing but immaturity by throwing insults etc. Iv'e been trying nothing but be civil on here and I can't say the same about some of the others.Intelligence is not only measured by someone's knowledge but also by that person's character. :Smug:
Guardian of Darkness said:
A lot of other forums I post at laugh at this message board. I defended it quite regularly because I felt that it was improving over the last couple of months. It's also one of the few boards I post at that doesn't have some kind of 'inner circle' which dominates the forum with its off-topic inside jokes (Metal Archives and Metal Rules for example). But what it had descended to before I left for Norway a couple of weeks ago wasn't just chaos, it was pointless redundant idiocy.

Nearly every thread was duplicated by another in the last three pages, not to mention several others in the last couple of months. Nearly every thread had trailed off into sub-intelligent flaming because some idiot had decided to disrupt it. Trolls were gathering by the dozen.

Can anyone actually remember the last time a thread lasted a page without there being people bitching at each other and taking the topic away from where it originated? An intelligent discussion about anything? I'm not suggesting a radical change or anything, but I think that some of the obvious shit in this forum desperately needs eradicating so the trolls will stop bothering.

This is very true. Thanks for making a summary of my thoughts on this topic, GoD boy. Before I left for Spain a couple of weeks ago, this whole board sucked quite a lot, with spam and promotion threads everywhere. Hopefully this'll be a turning point..

Oh, how was your Norway trip, by the way? Which places did you visit, and so on?