This forum is in desperate need of moderation

British spellings aren't misspellings, they're acceptable alternate spellings.

Being articulate, though, is unlike quantum physics, dentistry, accounting, etc. in that it's universal. Everyone is supposed to be able to use proper grammar and spell words correctly. It's more comparable to arithmetic than astrophysics.

What you need to understand is that everything about you will factor into another's appraisal of you. If you can't express yourself coherently, we'll figure that you're not educated, and probably, not very bright.

inarticulate lawyers?
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
"Int" and whoever else. First I'll assume Int that you are from a country that speaks British English as opposed to American English.
I'm from England.

Second someone's grammar/syntax does not mean they are not intelligent or do not know about metal music/bands.
1. Whilst this is sometimes true, take into account the fact that this is an internet forum. The only immediate way to perceive someone's intelligence on here is by how they express themselves (I've said this already). We are not meeting eachother in person; all I can see are words on a screen typed by you. This is how we communicate. Typing like a retard on purpose is akin to speaking with a lisp and a stammer because you can't be bothered to speak properly. If you type like a retard, your points are less articulate and yes, it will detract from the quality of your post. (By the way, I'm not looking for perfect spelling and grammar here - it's not like I don't make mistakes)

Let's use a different example. If someone knows everything there is to know about Medicine but nothing about or very little about Accounting does that make one more intelligent then the other?. And I think most people can agree that Lawyers, Doctors, Accountants and other professionals are highly intelligent people but nonetheless I have seen them write with some horrendous grammar/spelling. Do I think any different or less of their intelligence because of it? nope.
See point one.

Like I had said earlier we are here to discuss music and bands, not be graded for a term paper. As long as you know what the person is saying in their posts it should not matter their grammar/spelling.
See point one.

I came to this forum not to fight or be judged for whatever petty reason but to learn from all of you about other bands I havent heard because like I stated some other time that I'm old school from the 80's (thrash metal, classic metal etc.). And I would like to listen to new bands. I apologize if I don't know as much as you but hey I am trying to learn. And INT you had said that a person's intelligence is judged on this board by their grammar/spelling but wouldn't the same be said by how someone acts on the board as well?
That's fine. I didn't say that a person's intelligence is judged on this board by their spelling and grammar, or at least I didn't mean to. I meant that this is the case at first. If you prove yourself to be an idiot before anyone sees what you have to say, it's not going to work in your favour.

[Edit: I didn't mean for my post to read as harsh as it does ^_^]
henrikmain said:
Oh, how was your Norway trip, by the way? Which places did you visit, and so on?

Firstly, please ignore any mispellings (unless you don't understand what I'm trying to say obviously) and the lack of accented letters in place names.

I arrived in Bergen which is a lovely coastal city. We drove 2350 miles (4000 km or so?) from there all the way up north to Bode and back, encountering spectacular scenery round pretty much every bend. Passed through Trondheim and a few other places I've forgotten. Mainly camped or stayed in cabins. I even watched Bode's local football team play Valarenga which was fun. Also went over to the Lofoten islands at one point.

The sun being up at midnight gave an unusual but rewarding atmosphere. I also saw moose, reindeer, a lemming, foxes and a host of interesting birds (my dad is a keen birdwatcher) which was cool.

To summarise, the good points were the scenery, wildlife, people. Bad points - driving, prices (although not as expensive as I expected), mosquitos. I might post some photos in the SOT forum at some point. All in all, it's a fantastic place.

When my dad went there before, they drove from Bergen to Varanger and back in 8 days, which I really can't comprehend, heh.
Int said:
I'm from England.

1. Whilst this is sometimes true, take into account the fact that this is an internet forum. The only immediate way to perceive someone's intelligence on here is by how they express themselves (I've said this already). We are not meeting eachother in person; all I can see are words on a screen typed by you. This is how we communicate. Typing like a retard on purpose is akin to speaking with a lisp and a stammer because you can't be bothered to speak properly. If you type like a retard, your points are less articulate and yes, it will detract from the quality of your post. (By the way, I'm not looking for perfect spelling and grammar here - it's not like I don't make mistakes)

See point one.

See point one.

That's fine. I didn't say that a person's intelligence is judged on this board by their spelling and grammar, or at least I didn't mean to. I meant that this is the case at first. If you prove yourself to be an idiot before anyone sees what you have to say, it's not going to work in your favour.

[Edit: I didn't mean for my post to read as harsh as it does ^_^]

1. Your forgiven Guardian lol jkk .. i'm not hung up on such things I am more interested in what you have to say then if you don't spell something correctly. :loco:

2. Hannibal it is spelled moose not mosse & becuase is spelled because though im sure you were doing that on purpose and shows you have a sense of humor .... :grin:

3. Demiurge I never said that the British way wasnt the right spelling just that if he wasnt British and was American it was the wrong spelling according to the American way since alot of people are hung up on spelling on this board. As for appraisals from other people about me. I'm not here to impress just to learn about bands/genre's that I haven't explored before. :wave:

4. Yes professionals (Lawyers, accountants and the like) also are not perfect with their grammar/spelling though everyone must be perfect on this board itself to qualify as intelligent in any capacity it seems. ( come on people laugh with my hernia, have a sense of humor don't be so serious for once. ) :tickled:

5. Just because someone has perfect spelling/grammar doesn't mean they arent a jerk, retard, idiot, moron or whatever words people like to use on a constant basis here. Iv'e seen more then one on this board who claims intelligence by way of grammar/spelling yet lose all credibility when they attack people because of differing opinions instead of having a mature discussion with that person about the topic. This forum should be about having fun & discussing our love of metal music. Check out the threads in OLD SCHOOL. I never see them have these problems (if they have I missed it). They do not care about such things as spelling/grammar and such ,they just talk about music and their love for it. In essence they have fun. :hypno:

6. If you do not agree with someone on a point (Metallica selling out comes to mind) then give your own view point instead of attacking them, telling them to stop posting etc. Who knows you might even sway them to your viewpoint. Or even try to see that other persons' viewpoint they may have a point. I perceive someone's intelligence not by how they spell a word but by their knowledge of the music or bands or whatever topic it may be. I can only guess people think spelling is so important because certain metal bands particularly in BM like to use long words that require very correct spelling (Dimmu's song & album titles come to mind). Again this is just my opinion so no need to attack me on this, you can disagree that is fine. There is no right or wrong just opinion. :grin:

Anyways INT/Demiurge etc. I came on the board to learn not fight. And I was attacked because my views were different (let's not get into the spelling/grammar part of it). I never attack first , I only attack when attacked (definition of attack to me is cussing at me, throwing insults, telling me to stop posting or get out etc. or as you might call it flaming me up). My intentions were or are never to flame anyone just to discuss topics in a mature manner. Yes it sounded a little harsh INT but you were mature about it hence I respect your opinion as well as Demiurge's. Thank you for your replies. Other then that just wanted to say that Norway sounds like a interesting place to visit Hannibal/Guardian. I don't know what other countries you two might of been to but if you like wildlife consider visiting Costa Rica sometime. :rock: :wave:
oooooo I'm telling the Mod's on you Hannibal if there are any lol jkk... Any pics of your Norway trip? .... Oh forgot to say i know how important grammar/spelling is in the real/offline world INT just not important to me in cyberspace.. currently im learning Italian in my sparetime and it's a bitch to learn grammar in a foreign language especially when the rules are different. Speaking it is quite easy but remembering the rules of grammar in a foreign language isn't especially when there is no one around to practice with. Anyone here speak/write/read fluent italian? .. just wondering..
Perhaps, it's not as important for lawyers to be articulate as it is for writers, but it's damned close. How will they appear to the jury if they mumble and mispronounce words? If they present paperwork with words spelled incorrectly and poor punctuation?

British spellings are not incorrect by any standard.

While it's not a universal standard that people who use proper grammar and can spell words correctly are intelligent, the initial appraisal is more likely to be right than wrong. In other words, articulate people, particularly those with extensive vocabularies, are far more likely to be intelligent than inarticulate individuals with monosyllabic vocabularies. They're much easier to understand, too.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Firstly, please ignore any mispellings (unless you don't understand what I'm trying to say obviously) and the lack of accented letters in place names.

I arrived in Bergen which is a lovely coastal city. We drove 2350 miles (4000 km or so?) from there all the way up north to Bode and back, encountering spectacular scenery round pretty much every bend. Passed through Trondheim and a few other places I've forgotten. Mainly camped or stayed in cabins. I even watched Bode's local football team play Valarenga which was fun. Also went over to the Lofoten islands at one point.

The sun being up at midnight gave an unusual but rewarding atmosphere. I also saw moose, reindeer, a lemming, foxes and a host of interesting birds (my dad is a keen birdwatcher) which was cool.

To summarise, the good points were the scenery, wildlife, people. Bad points - driving, prices (although not as expensive as I expected), mosquitos. I might post some photos in the SOT forum at some point. All in all, it's a fantastic place.

When my dad went there before, they drove from Bergen to Varanger and back in 8 days, which I really can't comprehend, heh.

This sounds really great - I'm glad you liked my fair country. My dad is from Bergen, and we've got family there, so he'll love your description of the city ;)

The scenery around Bergen is also a treat. I have unfortunately not been to Bodø, but I wish to go there, and even further North, to experience the midnight sun myself. The trip to the islands around Lofoten sounds really interesting too.

Hopefully we'll get to see some pics soon - it'll be interesting to see how you "interpret" the Norwegian scenery with the camera (does that sentence sound a bit weird? May well be).

Oh, and what I found out when sitting inside in front of the window last night, looking at the rainy landscapes outside, is that the first track on Drudkh's "Autumn Aurora" captures the mystical and peaceful spirit of a Norwegian summer's night. Wonderful song.
Lawyers tend to use their paralegals or assistant's to draw up papers and such. And because someone doesnt have proper grammar/spelling doesnt mean they can't pronounce words correctly in a courtroom unless they are magical comic book characters and have a cloud above their heads with what they are saying and the jury can see their awful grammar/spelling lol ... anyways any pics of Norway?
henrikmain said:
Oh, and what I found out when sitting inside in front of the window last night, looking at the rainy landscapes outside, is that the first track on Drudkh's "Autumn Aurora" captures the mystical and peaceful spirit of a Norwegian summer's night. Wonderful song.

Pretty much every time it rains I put on "Autumn Aurora". Amazing atmosphere.
Indeed, a highly atmospheric release. I find that "Sunwheel" captures the essence and spirit of a light, fresh early summer's morning, whereas "Glare Of Autumn" (which I called "The first track", and that is of course wrong, in my previous post) captures that of a Norwegian summer's night. The other tracks aren't as good as those two, in my opinion, but still great.