_Zsuzsa_ said:
*patts Mammoth on the shoulder*
... I know how you feel.
*Cries unhelpingly on Zsuzsa brea... shoulders*
You know which people I am refeering to. Some spams are OK, I'll even streatch to saying fun and amusing. But eightymillion smilies, eh's, erm's and that shit really isn't a post!? At least the "official" or on-topic board still holds up, but that is probably just a matter of time....
6,000 posts means get a life, but if you post them in different forums spreading the spamminess then people do not notice as much but posting 6,000 on the COB board...
*makes nipple-twister-of-death twist motion with hands while screaming like a mad Newzeeland Mauri warrior*
not you, now go write on GP4!!
@Towo *makes thumbs up sign* go post cop go!
@steve 9,426 posts??
you i´zza post ho!
@Bodomprincess Badger, badger badger, snake, snake