Testing, testing, am I bant? Am I bant? Whooo.....

In all seriousness, someone should create a forum somewhere else that can be the "official opeth off-topic forum", with Opeth in the title so people will actually go there. :) If you have MySQL / PHP support, it's as easy as downloading a free forum zip... I can name one... if someone's interested in doing this.... I know there are a bunch of forums out there somewhat Opeth related but nobody is chatting there and this place is still spammified. Just putting an idea out there. Or am I bant? Guess I'll have to see when/if this post comes up... :)
Oinkness said:
Testing, testing, am I bant? Am I bant? Whooo.....

In all seriousness, someone should create a forum somewhere else that can be the "official opeth off-topic forum", with Opeth in the title so people will actually go there.

hey dumb dumb...we had that. it was there for a long time. you never joined. you snooze, you lose.
Hmmm..its getting a bit too restrictive the point where you guys arent gonna have ANY members... seriously..banter is can still have a functioning forum dedicated to a band and still have a good time with sillyness..
:rolleyes: good gods...if most members here werent such children perhaps you would be able to know the bliss of a balanced board...
Maharet said:
good gods...if most members here werent such children perhaps you would be able to know the bliss of a balanced board...


Also, deleting threads completely is just a really bad idea to begin with. If you want to piss off a forum community then that is a pretty good way to do it. There is nothing more annoying than having a thread suddenly disappear (which has happened to numerous general music discussion threads these past few weeks, threads that had absolutely nothing wrong with them). If the thread really is out of line (which I don't tihnk any of them were, but okay) then just post a note explaining the reason and close it so everyone can see.
yeah what's the deal, when is it going live Id? I think we're officially ruining the official forum.
Okay, westknife is temp-banned. I'm not kidding guys. I'm gonna do my best to come together with Samsara and find a solution with Anna that works. In the mean time, I maintain my stance on trolling/spam/nonsensical bullshit.

Nobody is 'ruining' anything.
Moonlapse said:
Okay, westknife is temp-banned. I'm not kidding guys. I'm gonna do my best to come together with Samsara and find a solution with Anna that works. In the mean time, I maintain my stance on trolling/spam/nonsensical bullshit.

Nobody is 'ruining' anything.

i like how people get banned for witty stupidity. but the stupid stupidity comments are allowed to stay.