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An Absent Friend said:
Guys face it , it's imposseble to talk Opeth all the time. To talk something about Opeth you must be extremely creative or obsessed , all the time.

I agree... I don't think it's the non-Opeth music-related discussion that's dragging the forum down... it's certain people
Mr Samsara said:
This thread and much of this forum is making me bleed from the eyes. Seriously... Here's what's going to happen. Either this forum is going to become all Opeth, all the time ....and Moonlapse and myself will delete everything else that falls outside a strictly defined line and promptly ban all who step over said line... or this forum will be mostly Opeth with some intelligent general music discussion, with Moderator discretion as the final determining factor regarding what will and will not remain, and we both will STILL ban all who continue to act like fools here. The path is being considered by Mike as we speak. I believe (with a couple of exceptions) the current banter within threads here is only going to push Mike to just make things easy.... All Opeth, All the time, No Exceptions. It will not be as interesting outside of the true Opeth discussion, but it will certainly make us Moderators lives easier. Think about it.

I find that to be ridiculous considering one of Mike's favorite threads was the 70's prog thread. There's a big difference between talking about non-opeth related things like a fucking idiot and talking about non-opeth related things like an intelligent human being. Unfortunately around here, the latter seems to be lacking. As people have said, talking about opeth and only opeth all the time would make this place a pathetic place to be, even though it is the opeth forum. I think it's more important to recognize that people are brought here because of their respect and love of opeth's music, but that doesn't mean they should be limited to only talking about the band. If you have to tighten up on spammers and trolls, then do so, but don't punish everyone because some people are immature and lame.
BurningSky said:
I find that to be ridiculous considering one of Mike's favorite threads was the 70's prog thread. There's a big difference between talking about non-opeth related things like a fucking idiot and talking about non-opeth related things like an intelligent human being. Unfortunately around here, the latter seems to be lacking. As people have said, talking about opeth and only opeth all the time would make this place a pathetic place to be, even though it is the opeth forum. I think it's more important to recognize that people are brought here because of their respect and love of opeth's music, but that doesn't mean they should be limited to only talking about the band. If you have to tighten up on spammers and trolls, then do so, but don't punish everyone because some people are immature and lame.

I'm not sure what exactly you find rediculous. We the mod team recognize what you stated about the general music discussion and we are going to tighten up on the spammers and trolls one way or the other. I don't want to simply retype my post, so just read it again. It's Mike's forum and it's in his hands. period. Once he gives the nod on which direction he is willing to let us take, action will take place in earnest. In the mean time... the forum is what the members bring to it. Simple as that.
Just for the record, I'm all for off topic and what not. The problem is every half year or so the influx of troll behavior surfaces and starts to ruin everything. So we'll just take care of business and get back to normal, that'll be that.

FYI - I deleted a ton of the junk posts from this thread.
Towedwart said:
Over a page's worth, lol.

Anyways, I've been using forums all over for years now, and I still do not know exactly what a troll is. Can anyone explain?

Someone who comes on here with nothing but the goal of being an ass, causing trouble, insulting people, making crap threads and giggling like a 2 year old girl while doing it, calling people "gay" "noob" "bitch" or any various combos there of.
MetalAges said:
Someone who comes on here with nothing but the goal of being an ass, causing trouble, insulting people, making crap threads and giggling like a 2 year old girl while doing it, calling people "gay" "noob" "bitch" or any various combos there of.
Right-o. Thanks.
It's too bad that there isn't enough respect in the world where it comes down to threatened and carried-out banning in a forum such as this.

If people had any common sense, this Opeth forum would be a place where Opeth is discussed in great detail, yet, there would be plenty of room for alternative discussions. But time and time again scum rises and infiltrates the forum, and that minority spoils it for the rest of us.

There are plenty of shit forums on the internet to go play. I do believe Opeth is a respected band, and to trash their forum, THEIR forum (not a fanboy forum) is a shame.
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