Spawn and other like-minded folks...

Trooper ... Yeah i love the soundtrack too Suspira as well !!!
It's so loud and freaks the hell out of me !!! I think it was performed by a Italian band called Goblin.
Watching that movie really does give you the feel you are in a nightmare.
Definately my favourite Argento movie !!

I forgot about Texas chainsaw massacre.
What I love about that movie is that it's not a very violent movie , it's more about what it doesn't show and what it leaves to your imagination makes it evil and shock you ! great stuff :)
Yeah Goblin also did the music on some of his others I think! Very very cool music in those movies!!!

Yeah that's what i love about TCM too. The focus is more on pain and discomfort than gore I think hehe.

Like the Meat Hook scene for instance. WHen Leatherface is cutting up that guy, you don't see him being cut up because that would be pointless, he is already dead. It's more powerful showing her reaction... as she's hanging there on a hook screaming her lungs out in pain watching her boyfriend being carved up heh.
Originally posted by The Trooper

*Gets down on hands and knees to worship Dario Argento*

That movie is a pure masterpiece!!!! The lighting, music score (oh my god the music score is good).... the whole atmosphere, Dario truly pulls the viewer into his nightmare with that film! And I read in an interview once too that about the plot being a bit all over the place, he said that was partly intentional because he wanted the film to be like being in a nightmare, and in a nightmare things don't have to make sense.

Plus, that first killing scene is one of the most intense EVER!

Amen to that! That scene makes the whole film! That and the throat-ripping sequence!

Other horror movies I love:

  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: my all time favourite, a pure horror masterpiece! Very unique and realistic, everything is done perfectly!
  • Bloodsucking Freaks: no story, z-grade acting/production, but a totally putrid and filthy film! Kinda disturbing on the first viewing too, and very very wrong! Hahaha how this film got past the censors and I Spit On Your Grave or TCM2 are banned is beyond me lol. 90 mins of pointless torture scenes against naked women by a Sadist and his midget helper.
  • Halloween: the most suspenseful film I've ever seen, and the one which statred the whole slasher genre.

Actually, Black Christmas was probably the first, but not many people know about it, sadly.

  • Maniac: Not an enjoyable film to watch, very powerful though and can be quite disturbing and claustrophobic. I think this is banned in Australia, but maybe I'm thinking of Driller Killer.

As far as I know, both of these films are available in Oz.
Well I know "Driller Killer" is officially on the Banned list hehe, but I have seen it around. I'm not too sure abuot Maniac but I have that so its not hard to get.

Same with "I Spit On Your Grave", that's banned but every video shop has it because it didn't get banned until a few years ago I think.

As far as I know, the version available was slightly cut, and then when they tried to release a new uncut version, the censors had to re-examine the film and decided that even the old version should be banned hahah.
Good thing I live opposite the best video store in SA, isn't it? Must get over there sometime with a list of everyone's suggestions.

Anybody remember a movie called "Bloodmoon"? (late 80s/early 90s I think). Never saw it unfortunately, but there was a lot of talk about banning it. Something to do with schoolgirls being garrotted by rusty bits of wire.

Ralphe, if you like Stephen King and Dean Koontz, you'll probably enjoy Peter James. He's a Brit author who's been described as a cross between King and Michael Crichton. His early work is a bit dodgy, but more recent books like Denial, Faith and The Truth are all worth a look. More info can be found at

Goblin also did the soundtrack to Dawn of the Dead and Demons. They rule.

Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci are both gods.

@the trooper: good call on The Burning - fucking awesome. That was Tom Savini doing gore effects too (he also did Dawn, Maniac, Fri 13th part 4 - the best one in the series IMO, and of course the gore masterpiece Day of the Dead).

I hear Anchor Bay are putting up the money for a fourth Dead movie (according to Fangoria).
I've only read one Peter James book - Dreams, or something like that. Not bad, ending's a bit dodgy though.

Anyway, what I had typed previously but mysteriously disappeared was that the other Dan Simmons book I've read is "Summer of Night", and it's very good as well. Sure, the basic storyline - a group of kids in the 50s discover a nasty presence in their small town during the school holidays - is a rip off of "It", but I think it's better. Simmons also wrote "Hyperion", which is one of the best-reviewed sci-fi books in recent years (won the Hugo award, etc) but I haven't read it. I own it, but haven't read it (not that big on sci-fi).

James Herbert rocks as well - "Shrine" is his best book. Oh, and Shaun Hutson is great as well, much too violent for his own good though :) Read "Slugs" if you want a horror novel with far too many Maiden references, and if you like books that are about both the Marquis de Sade AND the IRA, then "Renegade" is the one for you!

"Blood Beach" - now that's a great horror flick!
Spiff: I've been meaning to see Blood Beach!

maestro: I forgot about Demons! That movie rules!!!! Great music in it too by Motley Crue, Accept, Pretty Maids, Saxon, etc.. hehe, and brilliant gore effects, better than Dawn Of The Dead in my opinion coz the guts don't look like strings of sausages hahaha.

And yeah Tom Savini rocks on The Burning, and also on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, some great effects on that one! Especially in the scene where Leatherface is skiining that dude's legs and face.

Hahaha Blitzy, yeah I try to copy pretty much every horror movie I hire out, or buy ex-rentals of them when I see them cheap. I have about 90 at the moment I think haha.

Does anyone here like Hammer stuff? They're very hot and cold to me, some of their films suck, but some are excellent and have a really good atmosphere... like Horror Of Frankenstein, Hands Of The Ripper and I, Monster.
Demons! :rock: The sequel was cool too!

I've seen one Hammer film, can't remember the title of it though. Wasn't a monster movie, more a horror-suspense type of deal.
Trooper: VHS is gone now buddy. You've got to start your collection all over again and get it all on DVD! :lol:

The 'special editions' of Reanimator and The Thing are awesome. I'm also going to get the Evil Dead special edition packaged in the book of the dead!!

THE Hammer classic (along with Dracula: Dark Prince) is THE WICKER MAN. That is psychedelic 70's paganistic horror at it's best. Could be Christopher Lee's best film.

I never knew Tom Savini did TCM2!! I'll have to get that now! I have seen it already - is it the one with Dennis Hopper?

Tom Savini also did Creepshow. He is the gore effects king :rock: and he was pretty cool as an actor in From Dusk till Dawn. Rob Bottin is great special f/x genius also (The Thing/Robocop).

I really hope Romero/Savini partner up again for the next Dead movie....
I've read Lovecraft's original Reanimator story (in a stocking-filler anthology full of tales inspired by Frankenstein), but don't know know much about the film(s). Christ, I've got a lot of catching up to do!

Troops: Re Hammer films, try The Scars of Dracula (1971). Christopher Lee (Lord of the Rings) in the lead and Patrick Troughton (Doctor Who, The Omen) as his gravedigging assistant. Great stuff!

Spiff, thanks again for the recommendations, and pick up some of those later Peter James books I suggested if you get a chance. He improves as he goes along :).

Anybody see the 1979 version of Dracula starring Frank Langella (Skeletor from Masters of the Universe)? I really like the Francis Ford Coppola version from '92, but I'm told this one is even better.