Spawn, sorry to shatter your dreams!

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Sorry mate, but it seems as though Ruth has been cheating on you!
Don't ask me for how long, but lets kust say that you aint the only one who recieves dirty emails from her!
Heres the one I got:

Yes they are our consideration and perhaps we'll have some news in the next couple of weeks.
Stay in touch
Ruth Gould

See that? I got her last name too!

All that aside..... I am becoming quite wet with all this talk of a DT tour.... Quite wet indeed!!
Hey Spawn.... Just reading your Journal.
How much is the Iced Earth box set????????????????????????? ?????????????????? ???????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ????????? ? ? ? ??????????????????????????????? ????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????

I am a little curious.

Hey Spawn..... Why dont you email Ruth and tell her (not ask) to bring Iced Earth down for a tour? If you were a real fan, you'd do it!
Iced Earth box set is about 90ish bucks apparently, could be more though due to import duties, ill let you know as soon as Utopia tell me!

Ive sent an email about Iced Earth already :D Would you care to read it????? :lol: