Spawny - a quessie :)


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Were you a fan of Spawn BEFORE you were a fan of Iced Earth, or was it after you saw Spawn on one of their CD covers that you became a fan of the comic? :)
I was a fan of the comic way before I heard of Iced Earth, but in a funny little story, after I bought demons and wizards and went and checked out the bands behind the album, as soon as I saw that Iced Earth had done an album on spawn, I went and bought every Iced Earth cd in utopia without even listening to them because I figured any band that likes spawn must be great.
I wasnt wrong was I? :D :rock:
Originally posted by Lord Tim
A better question is were Iced Earth fans of (almost Prime Minister) Spawn before or after he bought all of their albums? :grin:

:lol: Yep they wrote a whole album about me after all! Though im still not too sure who I died for.... (Cue someone making a joke by going "it was YOU!") :D
I have all 110 issues of Spawn :D
Neils ones were really good! (Im sure you arent surprised about that though!)
He was the one who invented Angela (the angel.....gees brilliant name for an angel Neil...but anyways..) and then he and todd got into a big argument over the ownership of her and so now they dont talk to each other apparently. I think Neil also wrote a 3 issue mini series on angela as well, ill double check when I get home if you want?
Spawny, you're right about the mini-series - he even answered letters in the back, including one accusing Todd of using sweat shops to make the McFarlane figures! :lol:
Originally posted by Mark
Spawny, you're right about the mini-series - he even answered letters in the back, including one accusing Todd of using sweat shops to make the McFarlane figures! :lol:

:lol: Really? I never saw that as ive only got the trade paperback collection! :lol:
Gotta love it when guys get bitchy haha! :D
Damn those figures are cool too..... :)
(Wrathy salivates over the thought of a Neil Gaiman book he doesn't already own...)

Is this trade paperback of the Angela miniseries still in print??? I must have it, I tell you, in batches of twelve!!

Have Neil's other Spawn stories been collected up as well? I will not rest until they're on my bookshelf!

Spawn and Mark, have either of you read the book or seen the TV series Neverwhere? (BBC 1996). This was what converted me to the brilliance of Gaiman all those years ago. It was released in the UK as a two-video set with a bonus interview on the end, but it shows up on Foxtel every so often.

"What do we want, Mr Vandemar? What does anybody want?"
"Dead things. Extra teeth..."

"Best way to scare crows is to put your hand around their little crow necks and then squeeze til they don't move anymore. Scares 'em to death."

And so on :).

Yep the angela series should be very readily available, and not too expensive either (about 25ish dollars) and I think the 2nd collected series of Spawn has the gaimen stories in it, but check to make sure as it may be the 3rd one. Or both, im not at home so I cant check! The spawn ones should be really easy to get as well and about the same price.

Havent seen that show you talked about, but that quote about the crows is rather good :lol:
I tend not to buy collections... I think the only ones I have are the Cerebus telephone books, Books Of Magic (the Gaiman 4-parter), some Chester Brown stuff, and a lot of the Sandman ones. Oh, and the Death ones, too :) Cor she's hot! ;)
I'm a reader of The Phantom myself.


I love comics, but The Phantom is the only one I ever really got into the collecting side of it.
Originally posted by Sydo
I'm a reader of The Phantom myself.


I love comics, but The Phantom is the only one I ever really got into the collecting side of it.

Ooh the ghost who walks..... did you see the movie? It was hilarious!
Originally posted by spawn

Ooh the ghost who walks..... did you see the movie? It was hilarious!

They coulkd have done a lot more with the movie, but at least they didn't take it too seriously.
Yeah I know, I quite enjoyed it! Most comic movies really really suck, but this one was good fun and sometimes thats all you ask for :)