SPDIF Nuendo/Cubase help needed!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hey guys,

Spent 2 hours in front of nuendo tonight trying to make the new pod xt pro pick it up, but i cant for the life of me. What takes the biscuit is that with Audacity i managed to rig it all up in a matter of seconds, no problems at all. I'm still hung over from last night tho, so maybe i'll have a brain wave tomorrow morning. :)

I normally change this stuff in device setup, in the vst system link area i believe, but nothing wants to play ball yet... (am i looking in the wrong place?)

Or should i just abandon and record with USB?

Ed- have found out how to do it in vst inputs by adding a new bus.

I'm interested to know how you guys rig yours up tho?