Speaking of Bill Hudson... (video)


Children of the Dream
May 13, 2007
(and Aquaria :P)

Came across this video of a live performance with Bill and Aquaria's bassist, Fernando Giovannetti. If you don't know who he is, you should look at some of his videos after watching this. This alone shows his INCREDIBLE talent (and Bill's, too!).


There's also a video where Giovannetti is just sitting down at some demonstration thing and shreds his ass off. Great stuff.
Even a bass with 6 strings is still very different to a guitar so still a necessary part of the band ;)

Does anyone know of a bassist in a band who uses 9-12 string basses at all? I can't think of any personally and wonder if they're ever actually used or are just a bit of fun.

Ahh just remembered the Liquid Tension Experiment bassist uses one, he may be one of only few i suppose! Being a prog band i guess it's to be expected :lol:

Anyway, cool video, some very nice bass skills there and obviously good guitar skills too!
Delcious bass shredding. Aquaria rule.

Very much so. I'm finally ordering my copies of Luxaeterna and Shambala this weekend. Unbelievable band. I just wish there were live videos of them somewhere. There's only one on YouTube and it's not good quality. Then again... how often have they performed live? Hm...
True, but every note on the 1st string is capable of being played on a regular guitar. And this makes me uncomfortable! These bassists should know their place. :p

Aye, bit of a conflict of interest isn't it? :lol:

But even so, bass should be undistorted, or only very light distortion and guitars should be distorted to heck (or there abouts) so they can compliment each other.
Nevermind the only way I can get a copy of the Aquaria albums is to import from Amazon

for 40 USD and higher :(
It's golden music from a golden band if that's worth anything