Speaking of *good* videos....

SavaVIDude said:
This is too close to call for me, but if I have to pick one, it was Savatage's "When the Crowds are Gone". Sava is by far my fav band and IMO, their vids sucked Big Green Dinosaur dicks. Except this one. It's a little bit cheesy, but like many of their masterpieces (I'm talking audio!!), it seems to be the band pre-writing Criss Oliva's (RIP) epitaph. It's eerie to see the end when the song is screaming "Turn 'em on again, Turn 'em on again..." and Criss is stabbing the neck of his white Charvel into the piano repeatedly; it gives me the fucking creeps. It was Criss that brought an idea Paul had to fruition - it became known as STREETS.

Great vid and song!!:kickass:
Nobody makes music videos like Peter Gabriel. His stuff from the 80s and early 90s revolutionized the visual aspect of music videos. Each video is distinctive and memorable, from "Games Without Frontiers" all the way through "The Barry Williams Show." He was always ahead of his time musically, and the same can be said for his videos. There is a collection of all of his music videos available on DVD. I highly reccommend it.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I have to pick November Rain
by Guns N Roses

Actually, that was the first video that I thought of when I first read this thread. However, at the time the video was being played on MTV, I was going through an ugly breakup...so accidentally dropping my toast on the floor jelly side down was just as likely to turn on the waterworks as watching "November Rain". :waah: So I wasn't sure if it was me or the video.

I do much better these days coping with minor kitchen mishaps, so maybe it's time to take another look at the video to see if it still packs an emotional punch. :lol: