I got mine cut in November. It had been about 5 years before that.
I never got hassled about it at work, but it may have been a contributing factor to me getting layed off. Part of the reason I decided to let it grow then was because I hated my job so much. It was a kind of a dare to them to say something.
So now I'm working on a new career. This is what I've always wanted to do with my life, but unfortunately, if I grew my hair NOBODY would hire me. So I went in to get my hair cut. The woman who was going to cut my hair said, "What do you need? A trim?"
I said, "No. I need to get a short haircut. Like conservative/interview haircut."
She said, "Oh no! Why do you want to do that?"
I'm thinking, "Lady. Don't try to talk me out of it. This is killing me as it is. (I put it off for absolutely as long as possible.) I don't need discouragement." But I just said, "I need to get a job, and I can't have long hair."
She says, again being ever so helpful, "Are you sure?"
So she cut it all off and donated it. Later, I went back to get a trim and the first thing she said was, "Did you get a job yet."
"No. I'm not looking. I'm still in training."
"When are you going to grow your hair out again."
("You're killing me lady!") "Not until after I retire."