
Originally posted by Demonic Rapture
Mine just grows up and out, not down.

:lol: My hair did that as well, at least for the first 3 or 4 inches. It grows down now and it's at my shoulders (maybe a little longer). It's been about 2 and a half years since I shaved my head.
My hair is around 5 inches. My mom keeps forcing me to have my hair "trimmed" a bit when it gets longer and she complains about my hair all the time. It's always at that halfway in between stage now. and trimming it is about an inch... I'm not going to dye my hair because I will get a strange mix of colors and it won't look good.

Urgh, I'm sorta on an awkward stage NOW, and it's only like 4-5 inches long. I'm thinking of just cutting it back to like 2 inches, because it looked good :P
The bonus would be that I could do it at the hairdressing school a couple of blocks away, which is mostly populated by good-looking norwegian chicks.
Hair growth depends on your eating habits, how well you take care of it, and if you protect it (and your scalp) from the weather. Read up on some hair care tips for long hair - it's worth it! I've had long hair all my life but it was never so nice as when I started taking some advice from a website I found through (I don't know if the link is still on that site or not, just hunt around on-line)
Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Hair growth depends on your eating habits, how well you take care of it, and if you protect it (and your scalp) from the weather. Read up on some hair care tips for long hair - it's worth it! I've had long hair all my life but it was never so nice as when I started taking some advice from a website I found through (I don't know if the link is still on that site or not, just hunt around on-line)

This is true! When the weather is cold and crappy, I usually wear a hood and tie my hair back to protect it. Plus I've been eating healthier stuff for the past month or so and my hair is growing faster than ever!
I started growing mine about 14 months ago, it's 10 inches long.

Apparently that means it has grown fast.

Mine curls though and looks much shorter than it really is.

I think 30 inches is my aim. Even 20 will be nice.

By the end of the year I will be TR00...
Hair, 10 years of dreads, three months of lice, one month to comb out and now seven years of strait hair.
*feeling awkward saying so*
Get horse and maine shampoo and your maine will shine, but I prefer Aveda they will give you what you need depending on your hair type.
:lol: I can't remember, but i think it was probably about a year or so? It's not too bad, just that awkward stage where it's not long enough to putin a pony tail, you know, THAT stage ;)

Mine's down to the top of my bum crack again I think, although I am not entirely sure :) , thereabouts anyway :) But I have been growing and occasionally cutting for about 9 or 10 years? Maybe more :/
Originally posted by Mtaclof
Also, my hair is really bushy too, so a hat is out of the question. I get little wings around the edge of the hat, lol.

Ah, I remember those days well :). I wore a hat for most of the first year before I realized that I was gonna look like an asshole with or without the hat, so I decided to have fun with it. It took about 2 years to get shoulder-length, but my hair is quite curly.

Stick with it, man, it's all about discipline :grin:
Originally posted by Humanure
Ah, I remember those days well :). I wore a hat for most of the first year before I realized that I was gonna look like an asshole with or without the hat, so I decided to have fun with it. It took about 2 years to get shoulder-length, but my hair is quite curly.

Stick with it, man, it's all about discipline :grin:
Mine just got to the length where I can part it.
6 inches or so
I've been parting it for like 2 weeks now.