Hair fetishes

Originally posted by Eirik
I considered it when it was being such a handicap and pressure because of the dingdongs in North Dakota..

but yeah.. it'd take some serious cash flow to cut my hair.. it took a year and a half to get here :eek:

Just wait till it gets to 10 years and the paranoia starts about people chopping it off...
Originally posted by metalshallneverdie82
There is this strange man that follows me around and askes if he can buy my hair. He offers me hundreds of dollars and he has been doing it the past 4 years. He now is getting hostile calling me a fucking bitch.

He comes into my work which is a public library and looks on the internet at ladies with long hair getting it shaved off. The prints off the pictures and approaches me and asks when Im going to let him do that to me.

I don't know what his fetish is, does he have something against girls with long hair, does he like blad women or does he want my hair so he can make underpants out of it or something??????


Sexual / Physical / Mental harrasment. Have him banned, tell someone that handles any secureity arrangements and tell them about the abusive and violent behaviour. And if he threatens you, see if there are any witnesses, then shop the little fucker :)
@metalshallneverdie82....... *Pants and Wheezes...*

Get a shorter name! :p

Other than that......

So apparently we're exporting 'metal chicks' of a servicable age to England now... not like they weren't scarce enough to begin with... *Sigh* :(

And to a slighty more 'on topic' point:

I wish I could get my hair further past my shoulder blades, but for some reason it seems to have 'stopped' there..... Oh woe is me! :rolleyes:
Give it another year... It should keep growing. I'm currently trying to grow my hair long too.

I hope my hair is almost to my shoulder blades by this time next year.

As for the cunt that wants 7 Dying Trees hair.... Slap that bitch and tell him/her to BUG OFF!!!
Originally posted by LadyOfTheSnow
Give it another year... It should keep growing. I'm currently trying to grow my hair long too.

I hope my hair is almost to my shoulder blades by this time next year.

As for the cunt that wants 7 Dying Trees hair.... Slap that bitch and tell him/her to BUG OFF!!!

:lol: Haven't seen her for years now. Hopefully it will stay that way :grin:
Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees
:lol: Haven't seen her for years now. Hopefully it will stay that way :grin:

That's good!

My brother used to tell my father (before he died) to cut his long black hair and my father would get all :mad:angry:mad: "I WILL NOT!!!" My father is/was Cherokee and he loved his Harley Davidsons.
Originally posted by Kozmos
Hairrasment ;) - yes that was poor, i know.

sounds like a complete cunt.

what makes it even worse is that it's the co-existing hair of three people. we are all Ed. oh no, i'm confused again.

We 3 are all one and the same astral projection distorted and warped into seperate streams. We are like the crystal and must be whole again (insert dodgy explicit gay reference here). We are all ed :grin:
uhm... go buy 2 wigs. Tie ur hair up and put one of them on... and the other (which should look like your hair) give to him and say "here's my hair, happy now?" and if he's stupid enough that should work :lol: