
Hair is good!I love playing with long hair.. I spend so much money on my hair, it's sad really..! My natural hair color is blonde and no one suspects it... but I just told you so... :err: ~Shrugs~

~Ticks her list for another utterly unimportant post..~
Saph's a blondie!? :o

I regret having my hair cut. I did have it down to my shoulder blades, but had a hard time managing it for some reason...probably not getting the right nutrients to it.
I gave in to the urge of getting it cut short as I was applying for jobs. Problem now is that without the weight of my longer hair, my shorter hair has a mind of it's own :\ It's too airy :\ I want my hairy goodness back *sniff*
I plan never to cut it again, only trim it (if hairdressers can understand that)
Originally posted by Saphira
Hehe Ethereal.. as if you can't tell by some of my posts... :lol: ;)

Not when compared to certain other peoples who populate this forum *coughspikecough* :D

I must be blonde too, if you go off some of the silly things I've said on ICQ ;)
Originally posted by Ethereal Sage

Not when compared to certain other peoples who populate this forum *coughspikecough* :D

I must be blonde too, if you go off some of the silly things I've said on ICQ ;)

Being blonde is a genetic defect. Unfortunately blondeness increases with su exposure, so at the moment coordination and breathing are becoming matters I need to concentrate on really hard :lol:

On the flipside you can get away with so much more if you are blonde :grin: