A question about long hair.


New Metal Member
When I was younger I cut my hair. It was at least past my shoulders and it was growing. Sadly, I cut it. I have had it short for a long time. I am growing it out again. Going for the Norse appearance. :dopey: Is there anything I can do to help it grow? I have heard that there are certain shampoos with the right vitamins, other vitamins, brushing it, etc. Thanks for your help.
Yeah it's true I heard of some specific shampoos that make it grow a little faster although I haven't tried any of that stuff.
chris-o-fer said:
Rogaine, brother.

I. Definition:

Rogaine is a liquid medicine that has the chemical name minoxidil. In the past, minoxidil has been used to lower blood pressure. One of the side effects is hair growth. Because of this finding, the medicine was made available in a liquid form to treat androgenic alopecia, or hair loss.

II. Side effects:

Very little of the medicine is absorbed into the blood stream. It is almost unheard of for Rogaine applied to the scalp to cause a significant drop in blood pressure.
Sometimes, Rogaine applied to the scalp will cause dryness and irritation.
There are reports of women who have applied minoxidil to their scalps developing permanent hair on the forehead
. This is probably due to small amounts of medicine running off of the scalp onto the forehead. To date, no men have reported this problem.

III. Treatment:

Once you start with minoxidil, you have to keep using it. If you stop after five years, you will lose all the hair which you grew, and any hair the minoxidil kept you from losing.
Men can use Rogaine Extra Strength, which grows hair faster and thicker than the regular strength Rogaine.


mwahaha! :D go get it!
Hmmm...if you have curly hair it will take soooooo much longer to grow. at least i think so... I had my hair like halfway to my back,then i had to go to army and they cut it off, i was "a bit" angry then,it was 3 years ago and i think im still angry...
Good luck! last summer my mom was suposed to help me with some hair dye stuff.. and i shouldnt have trusted her anywhere near my hair with siciors! she cut so much off ( i freeked
) andi it grows slow as hell! Anyways. I'v asked some people.. and some have told me to use herbal essence shampoo becase it has vitamine E in it and to take vitamine E lol also some foods are suposed to help u grow fatser like fish -salmon- but i dont know if this stuff really helps at aall. so.. hope it does thoue!
1) Be a man about it, and just suffer the one-two years it looks bad :p
2) Keep good care of that hair, have it cut and "evened out" regularly. Mine stopped growing after it reached certain length, because I didn't take care of it.
Frosty Hands said:
Hmmm...if you have curly hair it will take soooooo much longer to grow. at least i think so... I had my hair like halfway to my back,then i had to go to army and they cut it off, i was "a bit" angry then,it was 3 years ago and i think im still angry...
Hehe... and here I cut mine optionally. ;)
my hair is ~ 3 feet long . . . . or just a little bit shorter :)
and yes - i am growing it longer
Just sit back and let it grow.
That's what i've been doing, it's now past my shoulders after about 1 year.
Jello makes your hair and nails grow 'cause it's got some stuff they take from animal hooves. At least it used to contain stuff like that. Hooves have proteins that are the same as those in your hair.