Anyone else always told to cut their hair?

When school was in, I'd be told daily BY THE SAME PEOPLE EVERY TIME to cut my hair or when I was going to cut my hair. Every time I said the same answer "No, I will not cut it" "I'll cut it when I start going bald". It eventually got to the point where the fact that they wanted me to cut my hair didn't bother me at all, and now I was just bothered by being told the exact same thing EVERY FUCKING DAY. It got worse when I used to have dreadlocks but that's a different story.
I've had short hair a while and now I'm growing it back out. Today it's sexist to think men can't have long hair.
Oh fuck... yup, I've had that! xD

My reaction is generally "fuck off you cunt" though I probably should calm down! :lol:

Something I also love is people telling me I look like a girl. Right, if their sort of girl has facial hair, there is little I can do for them...
I'm in an LD relationship, and I can just picture it, the first time he meets my grandparents, the very first words out of my grandfather's mouth are going to be, "You need a buzzcut." |:
..And then, for Christmas or his birthday, just watch them buy him a coupon for said buzzcut. |:<
They're going to be so heartbroken when they find out he's growing it out down to his hips. xD
I find it sexy though, so. Fuck 'em. |D
I tell my brother to cut his hair... The reason is because he looks like an anoretic with long hair. And since he's skinny as hell anyway, he just looks sick. Else of that, I only tell people who can't take care of their hair to cut it right off. If it looks like you had butter in it, it's a big turn off!
One of my friends with hair right past his shoulders used to be pestered by his mum to cut it off apparently. He finally did for her birthday last year. x) Ever since then, most of us have been bugging him to grow it back out.

Long story short, pay no attention to those jerks. Keep it long. :D
One of my friends with hair right past his shoulders used to be pestered by his mum to cut it off apparently. He finally did for her birthday last year. x) Ever since then, most of us have been bugging him to grow it back out.

Long story short, pay no attention to those jerks. Keep it long. :D

Well thats nice of him.
I get told to cut my hair a lot too. It comes down to my shoulders but doesn't go past.