

Very cynical
Apr 15, 2001
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I have an appointment in 1 and a half hours to get my hair cut.

I think I wanna go short, I've had long hair pretty much my whole life. I want something different! I'm just wondering if I'm going to regret doing this :)

Has anyone had any major trauma associated with cutting their hair? If so, please stop me right now :)
It used to go down to my butt, then I got it lopped off to about halfway down my back.

It is hair, it can always grow back...right?


'Mr Simpson, in order to free you we're going to have to amputate your arms.'
'They'll grow back right?'
Yes it will grow back, but it takes fucking forever. I'm in the process of growing mine out, it looks like utter shit for about 9 months, then it gets a little better, still looks horrible until you can get it into a tail. I'm just telling you it's quite a decision, you may want to think about it longer, unless you've already thought about it for like a month or something.
Originally posted by Oyo
Yes it will grow back, but it takes fucking forever. I'm in the process of growing mine out, it looks like utter shit for about 9 months, then it gets a little better, still looks horrible until you can get it into a tail. I'm just telling you it's quite a decision, you may want to think about it longer, unless you've already thought about it for like a month or something.

yeah my hair only goes down to my chin argh it takes forever ive been letting mine grow for over a year now!
I used to have hair past my bottom-ribs, just below halfway down my back.. and then i had to cut it for school... DON'T CUT IN KEM... PLEASE...

If you keep your long hair, there will be one more of US, and one less of THEM... :D

Keep it...
Aww, you shouldn't have cut it :cry: I once made that mistake but now thank god I'm getting my long hair back. I'll never cut my hair short again.
don't cut it tooo short! I was sick of my hair being long and I cut it to be alittle longer then shoulder length and now waiting for it to grow up to my butt again
Originally posted by butterfly
don't cut it tooo short! I was sick of my hair being long and I cut it to be alittle longer then shoulder length and now waiting for it to grow up to my butt again

when my hair reached my arse I cut it cuz it got dried and ugly... now it reaches my shoulders and I'm seriously considering shaving my head and later on grow it again till it reaches my arse :).
when it goes all dried and yukky, just trim it a little bit and then put some hot oil on it, or strong conditioner-always works for me