Special Edition of TEOTW Out Now!


Nov 12, 2004
Limited edition re-release of Biomechanical’s second album ‘The Empires Of The Worlds’ is out now! The Special Edition album will include the track 'Painkiller' and 3 bonus Quicktime Videos including TEOTW Video, behind the scenes footage in Chris Tsangarides studio and the making of the video.

The album was out Yesterday 13th November I was going to do a post then but I was waiting for Earache to put it on their news as they said they would have a link to where you could buy it. But seems they haven't bothered yet.

You can get it from http://www.hmv.co.uk
for £8.99.

Will put the link to buy the 'Painkiller' track separately when I get it.:)
I picked this up. It makes me happy. I bought another copy too, for a Christmas present.

I own this record twice now! :lol: One for the car, one for the apartment.

Just need one for the shed now, and I'm sorted. :)

Did you see there is a gig in Marseille on the 5th Dec but I see it's miles and miles away from Paris!:(

Yes ! Main problem being, once again, money... I'd have to fly all the way down there, and find a place to stay and all (I don't know anyone there !). That's too bad, though, my birthday is on the 4th. Would have been good, but this isn't meant to be... and I still haven't found any inflatable hammer to chase the guys with.

Okay, I'll go sit down in a corner in the dark, and rock back and forth listening to Anathema's "A fine day to exit", now. </emo>

Wait, I can't do that. I'm at work.

I'll go sit down in a corner in the dark, and rock back and forth listening to Anathema's "A fine day to exit", now. </emo>

Wait, I can't do that. I'm at work.


Funny I want to do that sometimes cos I am at work:)
mines in the post now, should have it tomorrow mornig, :D. Last thing i will buy for 3 months cos saving up for a top speck PC. :'(
It's available for download at Metaltracks. Get it here, last track on the album. ;)

Beware, navigating that site can be painfully slooooooooooooow...

Download was fast. This version is awesome. Full solo this time, unlike the Haarlem show... ;)
Okay, orderederedered it from Her Majesty's Videostore. And as I couldn't wait, I spent a buck to get the mp3 as well :eek:. It downloaded faster than a bullet, with a terrifying scream, and stuff /\oÔ/\...

Now someone get me a bootleg of those other covers song I didn't hear live. Maybe I will, one day * hint hint, nudge nudge *.

It is an impressive cover. Crushes you like crisps under bison. Oh yes.
FINALLY RECEIVED IT /\><\m/ I ordered it last month, but HMV made me wait for it a whole month. Why ? I will never know, meh.

The Recording of Painkiller video made me hope teh boyz are planning to document the recording of Cannibalised, so that Earache can print a sticker going "LOOK DOODZ ! FREE DVD WITH 30 MIN00TZ DOCUMENTARY STUFF ABOUT THE RECORDING !!1&#167;&!! IT WILL HUMP YOUR FACE OFF WITH SHREDDING OF DEATH !! HAR !". Okay, maybe not exactly that, but you get the point.

Where the fuck are my pills ?
FINALLY RECEIVED IT /\><\m/ I ordered it last month, but HMV made me wait for it a whole month. Why ? I will never know, meh.

A month that is a long time:erk:

The Recording of Painkiller video made me hope teh boyz are planning to document the recording of Cannibalised, so that Earache can print a sticker going "LOOK DOODZ ! FREE DVD WITH 30 MIN00TZ DOCUMENTARY STUFF ABOUT THE RECORDING !!1§&!! IT WILL HUMP YOUR FACE OFF WITH SHREDDING OF DEATH !! HAR !". Okay, maybe not exactly that, but you get the point.?

I think that would be a great idea! :kickass:

Where the fuck are my pills ?