Judas Priest's Painkiller to be recorded by Biomechanical

How the fuck do you get so damn lucky Jamie?, next vid your using that castrol guitar...or the Yngwie.

and out of all the castrol guitars i've seen in my day that one has to be the finest :p
ShadowsWithin said:
Ace cover can't wait to hear the rest :kickass: :notworthy :Smokin: :rock:

BTW John what Keyboards do you use for the orchestral work? and how the hell do you make it sounds so fuckin good.


Glad you like the track, was great to be with Chris man. The guy rules!

Orchestral stuff, I have made my own sounds out of conventional keyboards.
I used M1 Korg, sound canvas (Yamaha), MU100R (Yamaha) and a Sampler for Strings, piano and choir.
The woodwinds come from all three keyboards. Piccolo is from the Sound Canvas, flutes from the MU100R and oboes and bassoons from the M1.
The horns are a combination of Sound Canvas and M1, trumpets from the M1 and for the trombones I used a sound I created on the M1 plus 'bones from the MU100R.
Timpani from Canvas and percussions from the sound canvas too. The strings are combinations of sounds between a Sound Canvas, sample strings from the A3000 Yamaha Sampler and also some additional sounds from the M1. I always combine sounds to create one more realistic sound. It never works with presets. You always have to work, change and combine sounds in order to get what you want.

Also you have to think as an orchestrator because it's too easy to pile up unrealistic things on top of each other just because you can.

I recently got a Giga Studio sampler and have added realistic brass and percussions so the next album will have a slightly different feel on the orchestral side of things.


ShadowsWithin said:
Really? Just a plain M1? or does it have a synth module? because the normal M1 sounds like shit.

Oh yeah, the preset sounds are terrible. You really have to work on the sounds in order to get good results.
To be honest I don't use it for anything else other than those few sounds nowadays.
I found a card with orchestral sounds and modified them to get what I wanted.
Other than that it's a plain M1.
Biomechanoid#001 said:

What kind of Bass is this?

I remember him playing it when I saw Biomechanical in Chicago. It looked and sounded awesome! I want one!

Looks like a "W" on the headstock... A Warwick maybe? Anyone know what model?