Special Order of Deadwing


I just pretend to know
Dec 11, 2002
Lost in America
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So, did anyone else get screwed when ordering the special edition of Deadwing? Mine was supposed to be sent April 26th I believe, and I still have not received it. Ack.
I have just cancelled my order. Bought the standard UK edition on day of release, but still have not heard the re-release of Shesmovedon...

There seem to be huge problems getting the special edition to us in the UK.
the problem with pre-ordering non EXTREMELY main stream albums, is that the print runs are more modest. Often times these stores take pre-orders from people, but often dont get enough stock on the first or even second shipments to complete every pre-order they took. Whether they underestimated, or the distros themselves sent them less than they anticipated...often it leaves many people with their dick in their hands while they scramble to get orders sent out as fast as they receive the merchandise.

i suggest emailing them or phoning, and asking what the hold up is. but i imagine its just taking a while for the above reason.

or you just got had, and it sucks to be you. either way. :p
Trust me, everyone got screwed, whether you have the cd now or are waiting to get it. Its 72 pages of bullshit. I at least thought there would be cool pictures or anything worth looking at more than once, but there isn't. I chose to get that edition instead of the DVD-A, which has 3 extra songs (2 instrumentals). Terrible choice i must say. I'm actually kinda pissed that Steven Wilson has the balls to put out such a piece of shit, then call it "Special", then charge even more for it, and make people wait longer. Fuck you PT.
yeah, BurningSky makes a good point. I ordered SE and got it when they said I would, and I actually think the packaging is pretty fitting and well-designed, but I think I'm going to ebay it and go get the DVD-A instead. I'd rather have more music than a bit of art.
I ordered normal 10.99 version from Amazon, it was delayed... got it early May. It includes Shesmovedon as a bonus hidden track, at track 10.
BurningSky said:
Trust me, everyone got screwed, whether you have the cd now or are waiting to get it. Its 72 pages of bullshit. I at least thought there would be cool pictures or anything worth looking at more than once, but there isn't. I chose to get that edition instead of the DVD-A, which has 3 extra songs (2 instrumentals). Terrible choice i must say. I'm actually kinda pissed that Steven Wilson has the balls to put out such a piece of shit, then call it "Special", then charge even more for it, and make people wait longer. Fuck you PT.

I agree, the book part of it was complete shit. When I heard "72 Pages," I figured, hey, there is bound to be something really interesting in those 72 pages. But no, there isn't. It is all random shit that they just threw together and call art.

I figured there would be some sort of explanation about the relationship between the screenplay and the album, but no.

Or maybe just even some studio notes, showing how the recording process went along. Instead they decided to throw 72 pages of utter shit together. Honestly, I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but if you think the 72 pages was worth it (which I have heard from many people on the PT forums), then you are seriously insane and/or a complete fanboy.

On a positive note, the surround sound portion is excellent.

And back to the actual topic, I feel sorry for you guys whose orders got screwed up.
I'm glad my credit card expired before they charged it, the DVD version is so much better than the Special Edition.
Was anyone able to contact the PT management to find out what happened or to cancel their order? I emailed the webmaster and the people that originally took the order before everything got fucked and switched over, and of course didn't get any replies back from either one. I hate humanity.