Spectacular Views posts METAL NEWS: New Drudkh later this year! And next year!

Wires & Waves

New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2006
From the latest Supernal catalog which I got in the mail today and it kinda worries me because it's not in an envelope and has shit about fucking "Völkisch inspiration" on the back and if the mailman looks at this shit he probably thinks I'm a Nazi:

"DRUDKH have completed the recorded of their Folk album. It is called 'Songs of Grief and Solitude'. Next they will record a new Black Metal album, called "River of Tears". The Folk album might, provided we obtain all the materials and it can be readied on time, see a release this Autumn / Winter, with 'River of Tears' following in 2007."

So it might be out this year but don't count on it given that Supernal is run by an incompetent Nazi faggot who is still soldiering ahead with his much-delayed and supposedly "much-anticipated and absolutely necessary" "Anti-Geldof Compilation", despite the fact that Live 8 happened ages ago and nobody gives a shit any more.
Shit, this band is a workhorse. They have been churning out albums for every year since 2003.... and each one sounds different from one another while maintaining a sense of quality.

Hopefully, these upcoming albums follow suit.
Spectacular Views said:
From the latest Supernal catalog which I got in the mail today and it kinda worries me because it's not in an envelope and has shit about fucking "Völkisch inspiration" on the back and if the mailman looks at this shit he probably thinks I'm a Nazi:

"DRUDKH have completed the recorded of their Folk album. It is called 'Songs of Grief and Solitude'. Next they will record a new Black Metal album, called "River of Tears". The Folk album might, provided we obtain all the materials and it can be readied on time, see a release this Autumn / Winter, with 'River of Tears' following in 2007."

So it might be out this year but don't count on it given that Supernal is run by an incompetent Nazi faggot who is still soldiering ahead with his much-delayed and supposedly "much-anticipated and absolutely necessary" "Anti-Geldof Compilation", despite the fact that Live 8 happened ages ago and nobody gives a shit any more.

Well fancy seeing you here.

Yes I heard about this as well! Exciting news, I think Drudkh have become a real force these days. I get the newsletters at my work... getting a bit worried because of the exact things you mentioned, god knows what the people in the mailroom think!
Pure Blood Broom said:
drudkh are really kewl but there is no way that folk album will be good sorry

If they use Ukrainian instruments it will kick major ass. No matter what though, Im sure they'll do a good job. Their discography is flawless.
Amarantus said:
What an attention whore.

LOOK AT ME I CAN TALK ABOUT METAL HHEHEHE! Stop trying to prove something cunt.

Is there a reason you try to start shit with me in every thread :confused:
You drive me fucking nuts you crazy bitch. Who the fuck puts their name IN the title about metal news. This just in: AMARANTUS THINKS YOU ARE A CUNT! And Krigloch's cat bites his penis off just after these words from our sponsors!
Amarantus said:
You drive me fucking nuts you crazy bitch. Who the fuck puts their name IN the title about metal news. This just in: AMARANTUS THINKS YOU ARE A CUNT! And Krigloch's cat bites his penis off just after these words from our sponsors!

see but the thread title had no detrimental effect on what was a worthwhile thread but your posting is just shitting it up