speedy progressive power metal


...and time begins
May 2, 2008
San Luis Obispo, CA
Ok, so I'm not really into any Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, or stupid Dragonforce power metal stuff, and definitely not any bands that have cheeseball lyrics.

What I do love are:
-Pagan's Mind (love all of their albums)
-Moonlight Agony
-Avantasia (some of the stuff on The Scarecrow)
-Symphony X
-Demons & Wizards (I realize the blind guardian vocalist is in it)
-Jag Panzer (oh yes I love 'em)
-Nocturnal Rites
-Rhapsody of Fire
-Sonata Arctica

So, any bands like these you guys can think of that are similar? I prefer lyrics that are conceptual, or have mythology/story behind them.
It's funny you say no "cheeseball" stuff, and yet you love Sonata. :cool:

Have you ever listened to Kiuas?


Also, I think you would really enjoy HIBRIA.

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Ok, so I'm not really into any Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, or stupid Dragonforce power metal stuff, and definitely not any bands that have cheeseball lyrics.

What I do love are:
-Pagan's Mind (love all of their albums)
-Moonlight Agony
-Avantasia (some of the stuff on The Scarecrow)
-Symphony X
-Demons & Wizards (I realize the blind guardian vocalist is in it)
-Jag Panzer (oh yes I love 'em)
-Nocturnal Rites
-Rhapsody of Fire
-Sonata Arctica

So, any bands like these you guys can think of that are similar? I prefer lyrics that are conceptual, or have mythology/story behind them.
If you like Demons and Wizards listen to Iced Earth.
I feel like I recommend them in every Power Metal thread that comes up, but that's because I <3 them so much. :')
As far as lyrics with mythological concepts go, they're strictly win. Fucking awesome melodies too. And DeFeis has a cool voice. They're one of the more underrated bands here, it seems.
not any bands that have cheeseball lyrics.

-Avantasia (some of the stuff on The Scarecrow)
-Rhapsody of Fire
-Sonata Arctica


Fast prog/power.

Suspyre come to mind. More progressive than power metal, but definitely epic and conceptual. One of the few progressive bands with power influences that don't sound exactly like Symphony X.

While on the topic of Symphony X, Shadow Image sound a lot like them.

You mentioned Avantasia's Scarecrow. If that means you don't have the first 2, those are a good call; epic and conceptual and power metally although not so much with the proggy and fast.
What about Nevermore? They are more on the thrashy side, but you would probably like them.

Also, check out all the other power metal threads in here, I'm sure you will find some stuff you like.
Also, I think you would really enjoy HIBRIA.

ABSO-FUCKIN-LUTELY concure! A great band...title track from thier new cd. Rec. Pyramaze as well (see below)

PYRAMAZE has the conceptual power stuff just about mastered.
"Caremons Poem" from Immortal.

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If you like Demons and Wizards listen to Iced Earth.

I love them. Did not include them seeing as they're not power metal

What about Nevermore? They are more on the thrashy side, but you would probably like them.

Absolutely one of my favorite bands, I'm from Seattle and I've seen them multiple times.

I'll let everyone know which one's I like, once I have time to listen to all of 'em