Power Metal, where art thou?

Which Primal Fear should I get?

Now that they have added guitarist Magnus Carlson, get the new stuff when it comes out? he-he.
Seriously, I think Magnus is a great talent and will bring much to the already good band.

-Heed. D. Heimens new band since he left Lost Horizon

-Angtoria. They kinda came out of nowhere for me, for some reason-love thier debut.
I just ordered
PRIMAL FEAR - Seven Seals

Even when I was huge into powermetal I never liked Dream Evil. boring boring band

Heed is ok, its hardly power metal. I'll check out Angtoria edit: no I wont :lol:
Olympos Mons

Are they still around?

Also Krig, if you didn't already (and if you want to) try my Human Fortress rec from earlier. Judging from what I've seen about your tastes on this thread, I think you might like them (then again, you seem somewhat unpredictable; which is a good thing).
Helloween, Jag Panzer, Stratovarius, Rhapsody, DIO, Dragonforce, Blind Guardian, Eldritch, Power Quest, Nevermore, Knightmare, Black Majesty, Dungeon, LORD, Edguy, Dream Theatre (yes they are), Symphony X, Vanishing Point,Firewind,fucking millions of others.
Another band to check out is Silent Force. One of my favorite singers, DC Cooper, and one of my favorite guitarist, Alex Beyrodt. Fabulous band. Infatuator is my favorite CD of theirs. Rob Halford-like vocals on that one.
Are they still around?

Yeah, Olympos Mons are still around, I think?:confused:
Honestly I never heard of them til the other day when I came across thier myspace. Thought they sounded cool. 07'they released 'Medievil'.

edit: Battleroar, more than any other band sounds (musically) like classic Maiden, not a bad thing. I'd say maybe a bit more epic than Maiden.

yeah their singer isn't the best, but sweet jesus do they have some awesome riffs
:kickass: I cant wait to get this shit in the mail!

I'm totally lost on your interests now. Heavenly's Dust to Dust, which I thoroughly enjoyed, has some major, major Rhapsody worship going on, especially in the keyboard department.
guitars are more prominent and Ben Sotto is one of my favorite singer.
and its NOTHING like Rhapsody