Spiderman 3= Total dissapointment

After Brock turned into Venom, he became built like someone that keeps in shape. Not overly big, but not skinny. It looked more realistic than if he was like The Hulk or something
The should have built up the symbiote getting on earth and the whole harry/peter dynamic a little more. As much as I like him, Venom should have been a cliffhanger.
This movie had such potential, it's shocking how much of a let-down it was. Obviously, they tried to cram too much in, that has been established. The black costume saga alone would have made a phenomenal movie. I see why the put in the Sandman though, because if Spider-Man is wearing the only villain in the fucking movie, who does he have to fight?

I think they could have pulled off both villains if they gave each more time to develop. Where would they find that time? By cutting out the 3+ TOTALLY FUCKING POINTLESS DANCING SCENES. MJ and Harry making breakfast? Who the hell cares? They could have easily done Harry's little manipulation without the actual kiss between the two. One key part of the Goblin's character was that he was a manipulator who would do anything to wreck Peter's world. Lying doesn't really seem out of his range.

I gave Topher Grace a chance as Eddie Brock and Venom, but he failed. I don't think he'll ever be able to escape his role in That 70s Show; that was not Eddie Brock, it was Eric Foreman.

And I agree, WAY too much fucking crying going on, and not enough intensity. The movie did have really good points as well, but...honestly, I would have preferred them to have ended with 2.

Wow, I really didn't mean to turn that into a rant.
I have to step in, i haven't seen the movie, but Topher is a good actor. In Good Company was phenomenal. Maybe it's a director issue? I have faith in Topher. :)
yeah the turmoil with the black suit was just done really poorly...the sillyness ruined the movie. It had tons of potential. it is a shame.
They should have had Symbiote Peter off Harry. The shock of his actions is what should have compelled him to get rid of the suit, not him bitch slapping Mary Jane. Venom should have been a segue into the next movie.
They should have had Symbiote Peter off Harry. The shock of his actions is what should have compelled him to get rid of the suit, not him bitch slapping Mary Jane. Venom should have been a segue into the next movie.

That's actually what I thought would happen, and I think it would have been a lot more powerful that way. After Peter got rid of the suit he could have taken down Sandman, then perhaps the joining with Brock could have been delayed until the end....or something like that.
They can't have him off his best friend when he already feels the regret from his uncles death. That would be too much. Plus why have venom in the next movie when you could have done it competently in this movie. I was expecting them to do the whole cliffhanger venom thing anyhow. Either way they needed to have harry coming to terms, and helping pete out in the end since it definitely time for that.
The whole symbiote coming to earth thing was pretty random, too. *Plop* There it is. What is this, "The Blob"? It should have been taken back to earth as a sample found by astronauts. The symbiote should have escaped while the shuttle was still in flight, resulting in a Raimi-esque attack scene kind of like the Doc Ock hospital scene. This results in the shuttle losing control, barreling into New York, Spidey saves the shuttle somehow, he investigates why the shuttle lost control, and somehow the symbiote follows him home. There ya have it!
They can't have him off his best friend when he already feels the regret from his uncles death. That would be too much. Plus why have venom in the next movie when you could have done it competently in this movie. I was expecting them to do the whole cliffhanger venom thing anyhow. Either way they needed to have harry coming to terms, and helping pete out in the end since it definitely time for that.

Dude, it would have been the symbiote compelling Peter to kill Harry. This gives him a reason to come to his senses and get rid of the suit.

The final fight should have been Red and Blue Spidey Vs. Gihugeous Sandman. The Harry/Peter killing scene should have happened a few scenes prior.
Dude, it would have been the symbiote compelling Peter to kill Harry. This gives him a reason to come to his senses and get rid of the suit.

They don't need to go that far man, plus Harry needed to come to terms since he was only confused the whole time. Why have him turn out exactly like his father that would be redundant. They could have had two cool characters like scorpion and rhino get the backlash instead just like they did it in the comics. That would have also made for much better fight scenes, and be a much better gauge for how strong the suite is. I would have had harry and pete team up in the end, and harry should have still died, but venom should have been wounded badly, and have to escape. That way in the next movie they could have an even bigger threat carnage. Venom could still be against spidey, but have 3 way battles between carnage, spidey, and venom because they all hate each-other. Then if they still want to do one more movie do the lizard. After that there would be no reason to do another spider man movie. As of now they are planning 3 more.
They don't need to go that far man, plus Harry needed to come to terms since he was only confused the whole time. Why have him turn out exactly like his father that would be redundant. They could have had two cool characters like scorpion and rhino get the backlash instead just like they did it in the comics. That would have also made for much better fight scenes, and be a much better gauge for how strong the suite is. I would have had harry and pete team up in the end, and harry should have still died, but venom should have been wounded badly, and have to escape. That way in the next movie they could have an even bigger threat carnage. Venom could still be against spidey, but have 3 way battles between carnage, spidey, and venom because they all hate each-other. Then if they still want to do one more movie do the lizard. After that there would be no reason to do another spider man movie. As of now they are planning 3 more.

Think of all the fun a fight scene involving Harry and Peter could be when placed around a cathedral. My plot is far superior.

in the end, they should've just stuck to the comic book's original storyline of venom. ...I coulda done without sandman.

and this whole..killing off of hte villains is dumb. Dr. Ock should still be alive, as should Venom. utter gayness.
I had no problem with Topher Grace as Venom. He did well with what was given to him to do.