Spiderman 3= Total dissapointment

Carnage is not tame by marvel standards. He has the most graphic marvel history of my knowledge.

Anyhow I hope they have more scarecrow even more unleashed in the next batman. Heard it was a possibility besides the obvious joker. who would you like to see?
i've seen joker implicitly rape barbara gordon after paralysing her, and then showing this to her father in one of their craziest freak show circuses ever.
black mask made catwoman's friend eat pieces of her husband, driving her insane.
at the end of no man's land when joker tries to kill a bunch of babies, and then murders gordon's wife. CHILLING.

dc gets pretty graphic at times..

but i had the tpb of the first carnage intro, and besides sprawling CARNAGE RULES in blood, it wasn't too graphic. i could be mistaken. that cell scene was rough, though.

the amount of symbiotes in comics is absurd. mid 90's they were milking it for all it's worth and i lost interest after like 100$.

as for dark knight, i already know that it's mainly a crime movie. but recent news mentions joker starts out with a clown mask and green hair, but after a tumble with batman gets a more permanent alternative. may have heard mention of zazz returning. not sure about scarecrow. i think they would be safe saving him until the third installment. nolan's not really a horror guy. he handled scarecrow decently, and the actor did GREAT. but i hoped for a bit more. i heard the original design was a lot more horrific. i know bale is pushing hard for an R-rated film. or at least a cut. i like the way he thinks!

as for who i hope for. gosh golly gee! they could do anything, really. i've read every batman villain done right. but ever since that mr. freeze episode from batman TAS, i've always hoped for a movie of that calibur. i was so let down with B&R. even as a young boy, that episode touched me deeply.

aside from that, i've always kind of dug the way croc was handled. in the beginning as a fairly smart tough guy gangsta, and even in the crazy super reptile state.

also, recent black mask ROCKED me. he was just this over the top crazy FUCK. bash winnick all they want, them faggy dc forum bitches, but he wrote a MEAN black mask. old black mask was some looney fuck obsessed with long boring monologues and a retarded fixation with introspection and duality and faggotry.

mad hatter and riddler could work well together. but it'd be dangerously close of being over the top campy, and not over the top thriller. gail simone writes an awesomely perverted and wack job hatter. and from hush we know riddler can be dark.

FINALLY, i would have liked ra's al ghul to be done with a more epic battle. that train battle didn't sit right with me. it should have been done on the roof or something. with SWORDS. bats and ras always fight with swords by a poison lazarus pit. dammit.
Freeze would be a very good idea. I'd like to see a whole movie about him trying to make the world as cold as he is inside.
i really dug the origin story for robin in the new The Batman show. in fact, season 4 has been a tremendous step up. but that robin story was really great. i thought loeb did a poor job with dark victory and that robin origin.

after reading an interview with frank miller, i've found that his all star origin is pretty damn good.

as for azrael, that would be a cool fucking movie. the only thing about the comics, is that it fell short in the second act. that happens a lot. all kinds of crazy shit happens, then a new status quo is set, and they drag it out wayyyyy too long. the healing and the return of bruce didn't sit very well with me either. good concept, but they should have had alan grant writing everything and breyfoygle drawing it all. as for the CHARACTER. meh. his insanity and those long Order of Dumbass monologues were a snooze. also, denny o'neil turned him into some sort of fucking super bat GOD. his "system" and complete absence of training should have put him on PAR with Batman at BEST. they made him near immortal. love the costumes... *except that solo costume he got that was a huge gay departure*

fuckin 90's.
i've seen joker implicitly rape barbara gordon after paralysing her, and then showing this to her father in one of their craziest freak show circuses ever.
Killing Joke FTW!

Oh, and don't forget when Kyle Rainer's girlfriend got chopped into pieces and stuffed into his fridge.
carnage got the symbiote in such a bullshit way. brock was in prison with cletus and the symbiote came to bust him out. when he jumped out the wall a little piece snagged on the brick and found cletus. then he pulled a guard through the bars of the cell.

and as much as i dug the simplicity of the scarlet spider costume, a clone saga adaption is a BAD idea. BAD BAD BAD.
The Clone Saga ruined Spiderman. Making it a movie would just be repeating history.
I agree, though, that a Sinister Six movie would be a pretty good idea.
Actually, I think they should end it now. The movie was great in my opinion. The only downside was it seemed like they were trying to end it throughout the whole movie. Leave it at a trilogy, this way they can't mess it up. Just like Scream, which is one of the greatest trilogies of all time in my humble opinion.
Doesn't mean anything coming from someone whose grandfather didn't die in Auschwitz.
Ernest Goest to Africa means everything to everyone. Also, for that to be possible I'd most likely have to be Jewish unless my grandfather was one of the soldiers who didn't flee, and everyone knows the opinions of the Jewish aren't pertinent unless it has to do with using African Americans indirectly in clever ways for personal benefit.
He was a guard who fell off the watch tower...

Ernest Goes To Africa...good, ok, very good. But Scream 3 still sucks.
He was a guard who fell off the watch tower...

Ernest Goes To Africa...good, ok, very good. But Scream 3 still sucks.
Well then, your grandfather wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and if intelligence is inheritable your opinions are about as useful as Liberace's dick in the playboy mansion.
was revolutionary in the 2 killer aspect.

but after the first movie, shit city for that trilogy.

Sinister 6 would make a great movie. But I don't think toby and kirsten are signing up for a 4th movie.
If I were MJ, I would've ridden spidey like a donkey. If he can throw a car, imagine how he is in bed.