Spiderman 3= Total dissapointment

What I didn't get is why didn't the butler tell Harry that Spiderman didn't kill his dad earlier on?! If he cleaned the wound, he should have told him right away. WHy wait all that time?
What I didn't get is why didn't the butler tell Harry that Spiderman didn't kill his dad earlier on?! If he cleaned the wound, he should have told him right away. WHy wait all that time?

That's something I wondered as well. Another thing is the symbiote's vulnerability to noise. Wouldn't it have gone crazy when he was fighting Sandman in the subway?
1. the next movie (if there even is another movie with all the rumors) to be based on the maximum carnage comic series

2. green goblin killing mary jane

3. the lizard, vulture, MYSTERIO WOULD BE NICE, alyster smythe would be nice too. get the bad guys to gang up on him with impossible odds and force him to team up with either kraven or venom, or hell even the black cat

4. less dancing, less romance and less whining. anyone else think that the emo peter looked like he should be in atreyu? hahaha

5. more storylines around aunt may. shes a crucial character and a big developmental plot. how many fucking times was she kidnapped in the comics?

6. movie taking a darker direction. no more fucking cooking scenes. harry sucks at cooking omelets. fuck him anyway.

7. he looked nothing like hobgoblin should have

8. madame web

9. thats all i can think of tonight.

still pissed about this.
Dr Connors still has the piece of the symbiote in his lab that pete gave him.
theres still part of the venom symbiote with Kurt Conners. right?

I wanna see the lizard, Rhino, electro, Daredevil, the Punisher, Kingpin. the spiderman universe is epic as fuck!
Kasady is the most psychotic character in the marvel universe. He killed his father, who killed his mother. The he went to an orphanage which the kids tortured him so he locked everyone in the orphanage, and then burned it down. The symboite leaves behind a part of itself to merge with someone else and it merges with kasady and gets into his bloodstream. He's a serial killer who wants total chaos.
i think its the same strain of symbiote. which would make venom either his dad of brother. other than carnage, there were other symbiotes as well. including a female.

morbius would be other cool character.

scarlet spider \m/
Venom is carnages dad, and thats actually why they hate eachother so much.
Venom is carnages dad, and thats actually why they hate eachother so much.

However they do team up. Kassidy and Brock are not related, however their symbiotes are.

By the way, another awesome villian for the 4th movie would be Mysterio.
seriously, when you analyze spiderman's villains, there just HAS to be camp. it would be fucking hard to make a dark spiderman movie. especially with the audience that's contributed to building the momentum so far.

carnage can't be an option. the studio either wouldn't let it, or the fans would tear the adaptation to shreds. right now, the only viable villain i can see is lizard. vulture, shocker, electro, rhino, scorpion? kiiind of pushing things camp-wise. kraven could be possible, but they'd go all over the place with his costume. mysterio and chameleon would be a smart move, too.

all things considered, a sinister six movie could work.
carnage got the symbiote in such a bullshit way. brock was in prison with cletus and the symbiote came to bust him out. when he jumped out the wall a little piece snagged on the brick and found cletus. then he pulled a guard through the bars of the cell.

and as much as i dug the simplicity of the scarlet spider costume, a clone saga adaption is a BAD idea. BAD BAD BAD.
However they do team up. Kassidy and Brock are not related, however their symbiotes are.

By the way, another awesome villain for the 4th movie would be Mysterio.

I know that Kasady and Brock aren't related. That's why I said venom is carnage. The symbiote usually chooses to spawn and find a new host. They're supposedly like the 1000's in their line. So it most likely spawned on purpose. They call each-other father and son, etc. etc. They may try to team up but they end up wanting to tear each others heads off instead.

As for carnage I never even imagined they would do carnage but this gives me some hope. Plus it was posted on rotten tomatoes, which is a respectable site.

well, this looks like it could go through development hell. i love raimi, but he's butchered the spidey mythos. seriously, spiderman can WILL his powers away? that defeats the whole premise of "great power/great responsibility". the revamp of villain costumes (though i haven't seen the film, venom was BAD--no webs!!). so a new director will end up being a nolan-type who cares but might have conflicts with the studio, or michael fucking bay.

man, i love bullshitting about this stuff using entourage knowledge. ahahaha.

but i guess looking back on the comics, carnage was somewhat tame. they could make it work. but i feel this franchise is aiming for flash over substance.