
Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
i've killed two of these in the house so far. this one i killed last night was HUUUUGE (much bigger alive with its legs out than dead and limp) AND it was filled with BABIES that exploded out of the spider when i crushed it. they went running like little ants all over the place! derick got the bug spray and i think that got most of them.

derick said he looked online and thinks its a european house spider and that there are no brown recluses in MD. but after googling it, this thing from last night looks more like a brown recluse. but probably not.

ANYONE KNOW?:yell: :erk:
oh that pic makes me need to poop out of nervousness
brown recluse:

The brown recluse spider and ten additional species of Loxosceles are native to the United States. In addition, a few non-native species have become established in limited areas of the country. The brown recluse spider is found mainly in the central Midwestern states southward to the Gulf of Mexico (see map). Isolated cases in Ohio are likely attributable to this spider occasionally being transported in materials from other states. Although uncommon, there are more confirmed reports of Loxosceles rufescens (Mediterranean recluse) than the brown recluse in Ohio. It, too, is a human-associated species with similar habits and probably similar venom risks (unverified).
i was looking at a pdf file on spider control in maryland, and it lists the brown recluse as a spider you can find in maryland...but only if it's been introduced through things brought from the south.
...like...boxes from texas :yuk:

BUT i've found our culprit to look like a wolf spider, i think.
I'm not so sure...


In the mature brown recluse spider as well as some other species of recluse spiders, the dark violin marking is well defined, with the neck of the violin pointing toward the bulbous abdomen. The brown recluse is also noted to emit a low cackling laughter just before it pounces. It's preferred prey is blonde women who have moved from Texas to Maryland.
lizard said:
The brown recluse is also noted to emit a low cackling laughter just before it pounces. It's preferred prey is blonde women who have moved from Texas to Maryland.

doesn't look like a brown recluse to me, that violin shaped abdomen is hard to miss. no i've never seen one in person

those desert spiders are like, lies and stuff. yes they are big, but not huge. and no they can't keep up with hummers. :loco:


i don't kill spiders or other insects unless they are a) fatally poisonous or b) unknown to me, and therefore possible fatally poisonous. i save pretty much any insect or arachnid in my apartment, one time i saved this bigass centipede, then decided to look up whether it could've killed me. it couldn't. :Spin:
How big is that thing for real ugh! I hate spiders. Last week I was on the phone with a client... one dropped down from the ceiling right in front of me onto my computer desk. That was a nice conversation interruption lol. "Uh! A spider, let me call you back!" I tried to get him but he scurried away and I never found him! argh! It was big enough to not want to sit at my computer desk for a while that's for sure!
well to give you an idea how big it was, thats the corner of a standard 8x10 piece of paper, about a 1/4 square of the piece of paper....making it like...2 inches or so :erk:

i don't mind little spiders at ALL. they can crawl all over the place and all over me for all i care. but spiders over in inch in diameter with legs spread, perhaps with hair....:erk: :erk: :erk:

Spiders up here are ok as far as I'm concerned. They eat mosquitoes so that gives them an open invite alone.

Mosquitoes have absolutely no value to the eco-system whatsoever, other than to bite you and leave you itchy and scratchy.
There are GROSS ceiling spiders in my room. I used to bargain with them... I'd say, "Hey, look... as long as you chill on the ceiling and don't come fuck around near my bed, I'll leave you alone." Sure.. they took it easy for a couple of months, but all of sudden there were six of them with EGGS. So you know what I did? I fucking killed those suckers with a wad of paper-tower banded to one of my drum sticks.

And yes, I actually did talk to them at one point.