
I used to play with spiders all the time when I was little but then a few years ago I became terrified of them for no good reason.
turns out the wolf spider carries its babies, "spiderlings," on its back! that would make more sense, since they scattered everywhere. i didn't get a good look at the spider before i smashed it but it most likely looked something like this with the babies on its back

i wasn't afraid of spiders until one of the places I lived they migrated in the spring and fall and for about 6 years straight I'd wake up several times a migration with a spider standing over my eye, on my face. I quickly became scared shitless of all spiders except those really cute hunting spiders....

i see these dudes all the time, <333333333333333333


these laydeez are pretty common as well, sucks because i usually have to kill them. :(


orb spiders are my favorite though, if you've never watched an orb spider build their miraculous nest, you truly haven't lived. :rock:
i still remember the awesomest line about spiders... from a kid's movie I used to like call Fivel (sp) goes west....

a spee... a spy... a.a..a... an arachneed!!!!